Saturday, November 30, 2013

Baruch Haba B`shem Adonai


Thursday, November 28, 2013

Toddler injured from object thrown at car in Jerusalem

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Federal contractors set up roadblocks in 30 U.S. cities to harvest DNA samples

Mother claims flu shot is responsible for death of teenage son

Stay away from these poison vaccines at all cost!

CBC: Gov’t scientists are now detecting Fukushima’s radioactive plume offshore of Canada — Professor: It’s headed to our coast, I think monitoring rainfall over next couple years is prudent (AUDIO)

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Expanding Government Powers - A growing TSA?

Defense Department gives local police equipment designed for a war zone

"Unruly" Crowd Attacks Border Patrol Agents

Federal Investigators Still Not Contacting Conservative Groups Targeted by IRS

New Wave of US Mortgage Trouble Threatens Banks

nobama's IRS Moves to Close Down Political Speech of Non-Profits

Boehner: Contraception Mandate Should Be Reversed by High Court

Gov’t model shows West Coast of N. America to get highest level of Fukushima contamination until 2030s (VIDEO)

Secrecy law approved in Japan — AP: Prison for ‘inappropriate reporting’ — Official: We’re on path to be fascist state — Fear Fukushima cover-ups to worsen

Tennessee Father Arrested for Insisting on Picking Up His Kids at School

Thai protesters occupy government buildings, cut power

10 Corporations Control Almost Everything You Buy — This Chart Shows How

Monday, November 25, 2013

“I Fear For What’s Coming” – 68 Percent Of Americans Believe The Country Is On The Wrong Track

Today's Earthquakes

Nuclear Professors: Every engineer is really scared about fuel removal at Unit 4 — I advised gov’t to be ready to use explosives to collapse pool after 3/11 (VIDEOS)

U.S. Generals Now Take Action to Watch nobama

Mark Halperin: nobamacare Contains "Death Panels"

NOAA: Slow Atlantic hurricane season coming to a close No major hurricanes formed in the Atlantic basin - first time since 1994

Rep. Rogers: Congress Not Told About Secret Iran Talks

Wife of American Jailed in Iran 'Devastated' US Didn't Demand Release

What do you expect from traitors and tyrant that went to brown nose iran

NYTimes: Unprecedented concentration of sea creatures near shore in California; Experts baffled, longtime residents astounded — Biologist: “It’s a very strange year… The $64,000 question is why?” — Similar to ‘extraordinary’ events seen recently along Canada’s Pacific coast? (VIDEO)

TV: Serious concerns in U.S. about Fukushima radioactive material coming to our shores — WSJ: There’s concern around world that ocean currents are spreading the radioactivity to faraway places (VIDEO)

Editors: Fukushima giving top nuclear scientists nightmares — Writer from L.A.: Radioactive plume crossing Pacific is what’s keeping me up at night

NHK: ‘Particles’ impairing visibility in Fukushima pool — Will try to remove spent fuel Tuesday, said to be “one of most dangerous operations ever attempted in nuclear history” — Tepco concerned about sabotage, warns media about filming

Saudis will strike out on their own after Iran nuclear deal

Why Have 10 Major Volcanoes Along The Ring Of Fire Suddenly Roared To Life?

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Radionuclides from Fukushima due to hit U.S. West Coast any day now” — Senior Scientist: “Really bizarre” U.S. gov’t not testing for it — Concerned officials contacting him about threat

Secrecy Shrouds Sandy Hook Shooting Investigation (no surprise)

Gen. Hayden: Iran Deal 'Worst of All Possible Outcomes'

Local Police Increasingly Subordinate to Homeland Security Department

Thieves Swipe Thanksgiving From Sacramento Church, Community Rallying To Replace It

Israel's Netanyahu Says Iran Nuclear Deal a 'Historic Mistake'

Saint Peter's Bones on Display as Pope Francis Marks 'Year of Faith' (catholic cult)

catholic cult once again disobey the words of YESHUA when HE said: Let the dead bury the dead. No where in YAHWEH'S HOLY WORD does it state to carry a dead man's bones around. The Apostle Peter was not the founding first so-called pope of the catholic cult--those are clearly vicious lies. The Apostle Peter was Jewish and nowhere in the catholic cult do you see any Jewish teachings.

Both Democrats and Republicans Skeptical of Iran Deal

Netanyahu: Deal lets Iran gain a nuclear bomb. Israel not bound

Seven loopholes favoring a nuclear Iran in deal signed by the world powers

Truth of Hanukkah and why we should observe Hanukkah


Saturday, November 23, 2013

LIST OF NAMES of Purged Military High Officers – Extensive & Terrifying

No Surprise – Just Disappointment in Jerusalem

500-toker pot party gets OK’d outdoors at Seattle Center

Winter Storm Boreas Brings Rockies Snow, Plains Ice, Possible Northeast Snow

China creates air defence zone over Japan-controlled islands

No Deal

Sailors in Hawaii being asked to monitor Fukushima plumes — TV: New type of debris washing up on islands, “Really looks different… it’s more current driven” — Study: Japan nuclear contamination moving same speed as current (VIDEO)

Die-offs of mammals, birds, reptiles in Western U.S. — “So many diseases afflicting such a wide variety of animals” — Names out of sci-fi thriller: hemorrhagic disease, sylvatic plague — Studies now underway to find out why (VIDEO)

Photos: ‘Lots of sea birds washing up dead’ in Alaska

Source: First try to remove spent fuel from Unit 4 could be next week — Nuclear Engineer: Everyone’s nervous about pulling out used rods that are corroding; Will zircoloy tubes break and spill fuel pellets, leading to a criticality? (AUDIO)

UN Academic Impact Joins CFR to Infiltrate U.S. Classrooms

Implosion of Social Security Disability Ponzi Scheme Accelerates

First Prosecutor Jailed for Deliberately Convicting Innocent Man

China Announces That It Is Going To Stop Stockpiling U.S. Dollars

Fukushima nuclear disaster called the biggest ticking time bomb in human history

Egypt and Turkey expel ambassadors, downgrade relations

Friday, November 22, 2013



Dangerous Games - "Point 'em Out, Knock 'em Out"

Days of Noe and Lot

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Oxford, Mass., Adopts Anti-NDAA Resolution

Mainstream Media Finally Reports on U.S. Funding of Terror

The Town FEMA Turned Down The tide goes out on religious liberty

Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich is Racist, Says Portland School Official

Anyone waking up yet? Next we'll be told dunking a cookie into a glass of milk is somehow racist. Give me a break already with all of the this liberal garbage.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Insults fly in U.S.-Israel showdown

Cumberland County parent outraged by his arrest

Nuke troubles run deep; key officers "burned out"

National Anthem Too Loud For Neighbors?

AP: Melted Fukushima fuel is 12 inches from entering ground after eating through concrete, says simulation — Study: Molten core suspected of eroding through concrete foundation — Gov’t Expert: We just can’t be sure until actually seeing inside

Fukushima Reactor Designer: I doubt plant can be decommissioned, perhaps enclose it in cement — Nuclear Professor: Solution is to pour concrete all over, but now it’s too late (VIDEO)

Alaska: 28% of polar bears with skin lesions & hair loss, thyroids tested by gov’t… like symptoms in seals & walrus — Surprisingly high mortality of musk ox, weak immune system suspected — High rate of embryo deaths & bad eggs for geese

Tornado hits U.S. nuclear facility – Uranium enrichment building damaged — Parts of cooling towers destroyed — Alert declared for ‘emergency condition’ (PHOTOS

One Lawmaker Is Literally Smashing The Belongings Of The Homeless With A Sledgehammer

(Complete Jewish Bible) Matthew Ch 24:12 and many people's love will grow cold because of increased distance from Torah.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Three Saudi warships arrive in Egypt for joint exercises

Hate-Spewing Homeland Security Worker Still Has His Job

NHTSA May Mandate That New Cars Broadcast Location, Direction and Speed

Tiny Black Insects Taking Over Parts Of North Texas County

Endless Afghanistan? US-Afghan agreement would keep troops in place and funds flowing, perhaps indefinitely

Some D.C. Exchange Plans Cover Elective Abortion but Not Hearing Aids

Scientists: We Can’t Do Anything About The Antibiotic-Resistant Superbugs That Will Soon Kill Millions Of Us

Fake Employment Numbers – And 5 More Massive Economic Lies The Government Is Telling You

Monday, November 18, 2013

Collecting Donations For Wal-Mart Employees That Cannot Afford Thanksgiving Dinner?

Rutgers University Bus Driver Fired After Praying With Student

Blight that caused Irish Famine is destroying California tomatoes

Are Our National Elections Rigged? Of course they are!

EPA ‘Shuts Down’ Lead Refiners: Administration’s Back Door to ‘Disarm’ the People

Tennessee Baptists Press Abortion Law Amendment

Reuters: Pentagon's Doctored Ledgers Conceal Billions in 'Epic Waste'

TSA Rolls Out ‘Detention Pods’ at Airport Terminal Exits

Paul Joseph Watson November 18, 2013 The TSA is funding the rollout of exit pods at major airport terminals across the country that temporarily detain passengers before they are allowed to leave, another example critics say of how the federal agency’s policies treat travelers as prisoners. Travelers are forced to be bottlenecked through the pods as they leave the airport terminal. A robotic voice gives instructions to wait inside the pod until a green light is shown and the door opens. The pods have already been installed at Syracuse International Airport as part of a $60 million dollar renovation and are likely to make their way into other major airports soon. Once travelers exit the pods, they are unable to re-enter the terminal. Some of the passengers exiting through the pods...

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Israeli hospital treats hundreds a day in Philippines

YAHWEH love and bless HIS Chosen Israel forever!

‘Geneva talks a facade, US-Iran worked secretly on deal for past year’

The tyrants in the american government are traitors to Israel and YAHWEH HIMSELF will handle them. Woe to those who betray Israel!

CBS News: ‘Immense mystery’ as sea stars being wiped out along West Coast, could be gone for generations — Bewildering disease is spreading and “no idea what’s causing it, or how to stop it” — Timelapse shows all legs lost in 7 hours (VIDEOS)

Now revealed there’s 80 damaged spent fuel assemblies leaking radioactive materials in Fukushima storage pools — Kyodo: Removal attempt at Unit 4 starts later today — Japan nuclear official ‘nervous’, as one slip could result in monumental chain reaction (AUDIO)

Thursday, November 14, 2013

America Is The Loneliest Country In The World – Is It Because We’ve Abandoned The Traditional Family Structure?

Bird flu strain infects human for 1st time

Russian lawmaker wants to outlaw U.S. dollar, calls it a Ponzi scheme

Americans’ personal data shared with CIA, IRS, others in security probe

Do you like being a mouse in a cage playing along nicely while having your freedoms destroyed?

Everywhere you go there is a camera--bank, store, school, library, work. I have personally seen drones in the sky. Ask yourself this: With all of this surveillance when was America safer to live in, back in the 1940's when you were free to walk down the street without being reordered or in this present day? Do we really need computers and smart phones and flat screen t.v.'s? My grandfather didn't and he was a real man. YAHWEH HIMSELF should be the only Eyes you want watching you, and trust me, our LORD is watching!...

TSA wasting money by profiling passengers’ behavior, investigators say

Woman With Cancer Dropped from Insurance Due to nobema care

Sarah Palin Warns America: Kicking God Out of Society Will Lead To Ruin

Even though Christ-mass is a pagan holiday and has nothing to do with our YESHUA'S Birth or Life,  you can understand what palin is getting at in her truthful statement: You try and take YAHWEH away you will be fall into ruins and be destroyed. Woe to america for its judgement is here.

Vatican to display remains of St. Peter to public for first time

catholic cult is evil and you better believe these are not the remains of the Apostle Peter.

Mass Media and Its Influence On Society

YAHWEH'S HOLY WORD should be your only influence!

Senators skeptical of Kerry’s case against more sanctions

kerry will answer directly to YESHUA HIMSELF for his crimes against Israel!

Gen. El-Sisi ushers in “a new era in Egyptian-Russian military ties”

US Gov’t Headline: Alaska island “appears to show impacts from Fukushima” — “Significant cesium isotope signature” detected — Scientists anticipate more marine life to be impacted as ocean plume arrives (VIDEO)

Damaged fuel rods are cracked and leaking radioactive gases in Fukushima Unit 4 pool; Wire appears trapped in racks — Another assembly bent when “mishandled during a transfer”

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Bill would outlaw U.S. dollar in Russia

Democrats Threaten Defections to GOP Bill Changing Obamacare

Boehner: House won’t negotiate with Senate on immigration bill

Us Eating Sesame Seeds Superior To Tylenol for Knee Arthritisur Sponsors

Motorola wants to tattoo a smartphone receiver on your neck

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Churches post 'Thou shalt not kill' billboards around Detroit

New Colorado? Rural voters approve secession idea

U.S. Gives Illegal Aliens $29 Mil in Rx Meds

White House: Government Shutdown Cost Billions (After All, They Had to Purchase Barriers for Open Air Parks)

North Korea Executes 80 by Firing Squad, Many for Trivial Offenses

Americans Leaving Work Force Reaches Record High in October

Coming Pension Meltdown: The 10 Most Troubled City Systems

Israeli Navy thwarts Gaza arms smuggling by sea

YESHUA is going to destroy the enemies of HIS children. The Jewish people will live in peace and security forever through our LORD YESHUA/JESUS!

Lavrov to confirm Russian air defense system, surface missiles for Egypt, Russian Navy facilities at Alexandria

Today's Earthquakes

Japan Physician: I hope adults will leave Tokyo, not just children — Strange things happening — Medications don’t seem to work — Rare diseases increasing dramatically (VIDEO)

Japan Expert: “All I can do is pray nothing goes wrong” at Fukushima Unit 4; Concern over “dangerous chain of events” — TV: “At least evacuate nearby residents” — NYTimes: No external supervision of Tepco; To start within 10 days (VIDEO)

Top nuclear official blocks interviews with people over Fukushima exposures; Only allowed to talk to “friendly” gov’t leaders — Reuters: “No matter how hard they try, radiation isn’t going down” -Resident (VIDEO)

Monday, November 11, 2013

DHS investigators to use DNA testing to identify suspects and determine family relationships

100s attend funeral of World War II veteran

There is still good in people's heart. PRAISE YAHWEH/GOD through our LORD YESHUA/JESUS!

College Students On Probation For Pulling Gun To Defend Against Intruder

Tourists flock to Israel in record numbers

Seventh possible meningitis case reported at Princeton University

NYC Food Bank Head: 40% Of Veterans Need Food Assistance

Shoney's is offering a free so-called All American Burger--of course, Veterans have to pay the tax, for  drinks and gratuity (what a scam to our Vets. I guess their duty was only worth a free burger) At the same time you have the tyrants making large paychecks and sending billions across seas. This is one more reason I will never serve in the military again.

Strange Doings on the Sun

Honesty doesn't pay off for ex-homeless man

Sunday, November 10, 2013

How American taxpayers are funding Palestinian terrorism

Survivors 'Like Zombies' After Philippine Typhoon Kills at Least 10,000

Netanyahu Pledges Effort to Prevent Bad Deal With Iran

I support Netanyahu

Baptist Group Sues Veterans Agency to Reinstate Chaplains

Wary Republicans Push More Iran Sanctions to Prevent Obama 'Dealing Away' Security

3-star Navy admiral fired as deputy chief of nuclear command, demoted to 2-star rank

More purging of our Military by the tyrants in order to get the brain dead into position that will follow orders blindly. Men with conscience and courage are being rooted out.

Israel-U.S. relations frayed over Middle East threats

I served in the Army and I have every right to say this: It sickens me to live in America as it is today---I pray to live in Israel. America is Sodom and Gomorrah now ran by filthy evil tyrants because the people of America has rejected GOD and sought sin. Woe to America for GOD'S Judgement is on it. When men were men we had an Honorable country--now we have a country that is walking a path straight to eternal hell.

Atheist 'mega-churches' take root across US, world

Woe to these condemned souls unless they seek YESHUA/JESUS CHRIST our ETERNAL RISEN LORD and seek forgiveness of their sins.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Saudi nuclear weapons 'on order' from Pakistan

Gummy Bears, Pharmaceutical Drugs And Vaccines Made Out Of People

Poll: European Jews report rise in anti-Semitism

Geneva fallout: Iran becomes a nuclear power, followed by Saudis. Israel loses trust in nobema

Student's Dad: Questioning Homework Bias Got Me 'Neo-Nazi' Label

Super Typhoon Haiyan Slams Into Philippines, Millions Flee

Thursday, November 7, 2013

How China Can Cause The Death Of The Dollar And The Entire U.S. Financial System

China Deploys New Bomber with Long-Range Land Attack Missile

The US Government Commits Chemical Assault Against Its Citizens

GMO Labeling Initiative 522 Seems to Have Failed, Proving Once Again That Corporate Money Can Buy Bood Secrecy

Satellite Falling to Earth, But No One Knows Where, Prompting Fears

So the danger to human life--as minimal as they want to make it seem--is not important? Did anyone ask the public if it were alright to send those satellites up to pollute space with the danger of them falling down on innocent people?

Google Is Testing A Program That Tracks You Everywhere You Go

Yossele Rosenblatt Live - My Yiddishe Mama


Russia And China Prepare For The Day When They Will Nuke The United States

Two Israelis to get French agricultural prize

Out of Israel only comes Roses for the world!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

David Suzuki's Fukushima Warning Is Dire And Scary (VIDEO)

We Are Heading For The Greatest Doctor Shortage In American History

Kerry in Bethlehem, announces $75 million in aid to Palestinian infrastructure projects

Woe to those who betray Israel.

PHOTOS: Sea star began “ripping itself into pieces” — Like a horror movie — AP: Deaths from Alaska to S. California — Biologist: Related to an environmental change? “An early warning that we aren’t picking up on?” — Professor: “None of us had ever seen anything like this before”

Reactor Designer: “It was a nuclear explosion” at Fukushima Unit 3; Plutonium scattered after blast — ABC: “There’s willful denial and lying going on here, even at the highest levels” (AUDIO)

China Reveals Its Ability to Nuke the US

DHS to Hire “Top Secret” Domestic Security Force

Obama's Ex-Bodyguard: Scandals 'Worse Than You Know'


TSA to Pre-Screen Air Travelers’ Tax Info, Property Records, Travel History

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Chanuka oh Chanuka by Tzlil V'Zemer Boys Choir (the original)


Monday, November 4, 2013

Tide Thefts, Cargo Hijacking And Cattle Rustling: Why Is An Epidemic Of Thievery Sweeping America?

Israel to US: Syria raid leak ‘endangers our national security

America is ran by corrupt tyrants who betray Israel--these same tyrants will stand before YESHUA in judgment.Woe to those who betray Israel!

IRAN AIR to resume direct flights to US

While at the same time you have Iran Hardliners Mark 1979 US Embassy Siege With 'Death to America' Chanting ‘death to America,’ Iran protesters rally against US However: Patriots And Christians Have Been Repeatedly Labeled As Potential Terrorists  People who believe in the LORD GOD of Israel and who fight for the constitution are marked as threats to america while the border to Mexico remains a swinging door and border control...

Deep M5 quake jolts eastern Japan — RT: Highly dangerous fuel rod removal “will not permit even the slightest tremor” at Fukushima plant

Sunday, November 3, 2013

U.S. Immigration Officers Give Frightening Warning

Petition to Stop Anti-Christian Bigotry in the Military

How Coconut Oil May Rescue The Brain From Alzheimer's Disease

Italy’s Unemployment Soars to Record High on Recession

Eurozone jobless hits fresh record high - economy

Rome - Violent clashes erupt as hundreds rally for affordable housing

Retired Army Captain Takes To Facebook Warning DHS Preparing For War!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Let Your Fire Fall


Friday, November 1, 2013

Shabbat Shalom


Nuclear Engineer: The question is, why all of a sudden the urgency at Fukushima plant, what do they know? — They’re obviously feeling pressure, like it’s one move away from checkmate (AUDIO)

China Moves Spy Ship to Hawaiian Waters in “Retaliation” Against U.S.

Paul Joseph Watson October 31, 2013 China has sent a surveillance ship to Hawaiian waters for the very first time in an unprecedented move which is being described as a provocative retaliation to the U.S. naval presence in the East China Sea. Image: Wikimedia Commons. According to a report by, a news outlet aimed at Asian-Americans, a 4,000 ton People’s Liberation Army electronic reconnaissance ship was recently spotted near Hawaii within the U.S. 200-nautical mile EEZ (Exclusive Economic Zone). The report was also picked up by the Honolulu Star-Advertiser, which ran an article entitled China moves spy ship...

Inside China: Nuclear submarines capable of widespread attack on U.S.

Italy’s Unemployment Soars to Record High on Recession

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