If you disobey YAHWEH'S HOLY WORD you are living a life that is already dead. No matter what excuse or reason you give yourself you are wrong. Self-justification will not pardon you from YAHWEH'S HOLY JUDGEMENT.
Torah Violation is sin. Without the Torah written in your heart by MESSIAH YESHUA you will not have any understanding. We are saved by Grace, but we are obedient to YAHWEH'S HOLY LAW--for HIS law teaches us how to live and be, set apart for HIM alone--separate from the world. The world someday will pass away as well as all flesh and blood--but the HOLY WORD OF YAHWEH will last forever.
Our lives are as a mere vapor, here one day and gone the next. When death comes for you--and we all will die unless we live to see the GLORIOUS APPEARING OF MESSIAH YESHUA--how will you stand before...