Saturday, October 31, 2015

abortion is murder


Syrian MP: American troops are 'an act of aggression' (the demon in the sinhouse is bound to begin world war III)

BREAKING: Shariah Law Gets BANNED by Alabama… Muslims Are Going Crazy (way to go Alabama!!!)

For those Christians who particiapted in halloween

For those Christians who participated in halloween: You refuse to Honor YAHWEH'S Feast In Leviticus Ch 23 but you participate in a day that celebrates evil and death. Did you not understand YESHUA when HE said pick up your cross and follow HIM? Do not think for one minute your actions are justified by whatever excuse you proclaim. Your excuses are destroyed in YAHWEH'S HOLY TRUTH. ...

US Soldiers Back in Iraq under nobama – Unconstitutionally! (u.s soldiers are nothing more than pawns on a chessboard for these corrupt criminals)

Narcissistic Nation Hooked on Social Media

The Free Speech Apocalypse is Upon Us!

Dear Mr. Government: You will be held Accountable for Your Treachery

CDC Scientist Admits Data of Vaccines and Autism Was Trashed

High School Coach Joe Kennedy Suspended for Praying… in America! (the new america)

ISIS claims downing of Russian airliner, no survivors

Japan Times: “Deadly” radiation levels detected outside Fukushima containment vessel — “Details behind situation are unknown” — Officials unable to grasp location of melted nuclear fuel — “Impossible” to plan for decommissioning



Real Mothers protect innocent lives--they do not murder innocent lives


Thursday, October 29, 2015

Fire erupts at another U.S. nuclear site near major city — Witness: Flames within feet of radioactive waste — TV: “You can see the smoke for miles… A big-time scare” — EPA emergency response specialists deployed

Jewish Pregnant woman wounded in rock attack in Gush Etzion (and yet the world is silent)

33% of Americans Believe It’s Time for States to Openly Defy the Feds – And that Number is Growing!

The Only Way to Negotiate


Latest Video: Planned Parenthood Doctor Admits to Regularly Performing Partial Birth Abortions! (america's day of reckoning is swiftly approaching)

Muslim Cleric: "Muslims have the Right to Kill anyone who does Not Respect Islam" (and we have the right to kill anyone who tries to kill us--it's called self defense)

Invasion: FIVE MILLION MUSLIMS March on Europe: “We Cannot Guarantee the Public Safety Anymore” (coming to america--wait, it's already here)

Unarmed Teen Death-by-Cop Dash Cam Video Released: Does This Use of Deadly Force Look “Justified” to You? (there are many good cops--this isn't one of them)

Russia's Military Intervention in Syria Exposing nobama Treason against America (Important read)







Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Israel Forever




I Love Israel Forever




King David saves father and daughters from Palestinian terrorist

hallo-ween is demonic and evil so why do Christians participate in that day?



Math, reading scores slip for nation's school kids (is this any real surprise to anyone?)

Former WHO Official: Fukushima plant is dumping nuclear waste into ocean on a daily basis; “There’s no foreseeable end to it… and nobody has any good ideas on how to stop it” — Japan gov’t worried that attempts to reduce leakage will cause even more radioactivity to flow into sea (VIDEO)

Israeli Security Forces Thwart Two Terror Attacks in Jerusalem and Hebron | United with Israel!+What+is+Palestinian+Terror+Really+About?&utm_campaign=20151028_m127990579_Saudi+Prince+Sides+with+Israel!+What+is+Palestinian+Terror+Really+About?&utm_term=more_btn_dark_...

Israel’s Top Archaeological Sites: The City of David



Israel Forever



Jewish Woman stabbed in Gush Etzion terror attack (please pray for our Jewish brothers and sisters)

Mama Rochel


Live and Die in MESSIAH YESHUA

Today you live but at some unknown point in the future, we are all going to die. James tells us our life is like a vapor, here one day and gone the next. How very true. At the age of 37, I wonder where twenty years vanished. It seemed just like yesterday that I was 17. Yet, here I am climbing the hill to 40. The minutes of your life do not take a break or pause for your benefit. Age is not controlled. Age is raw and untamed, clawing its way forward with victory regardless of the attempts to suppress it. Someday you and I--everyone living--will die. The question is, where will your soul go when you face death? YESHUA said HE is the Resurrection and the Life and all who believe in HIM, even though HE may die, will live. That is a beautiful promise. I know where my soul is...

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Israel Forever


And yet the world is silent


Israel Forever


Israel Forever


Swarm Of California Earthquakes Continues A Series Of Unusual Events That Began In Late September

Daren Strebow Comedy


By the numbers: 1,703 terror attacks in Israel against Jews since the start of 2015



Monday, October 26, 2015

EPA data shows radiation spike in major US city soon after explosions at nuclear waste facility nearby — AP: Drums of buried waste were blasted over site’s fence; Large crater reported — Emergency Official: US gov’t brought in “resources I’ve never even seen before

Why Is This Happening? Unprecedented Flooding Has Hit The U.S. Within The Last 30 Days (for those who belong to YAHWEH through MESSIAH YESHUA we know why)

And yet this same liar and criminal is running for president


Israel Forever


Were your really born free in America?

Slaves are marked and controlled when they are born and ordered what to do and how to live. Do you have a social security card? Who said you have to have one? Do you have a birth certificate? Who said you have to have one? Do you have to have direct deposit at your place of work? Who said you have to? Do you file taxes on your income every year? Who said you have to? Do you put your money in a bank? Who said you have to? Did you attend 12 years of school? Who said you had to? Do you have to have two forms of I.D. to get a job? Who made this law?  Do you have taxes taken out of your paycheck? Who said you have to? Can you openly pray in...



Israel my Heart Forever


Sunday, October 25, 2015

Still think you have freedom of choice



The Native Americans were once a free and vital people. When they lived in the land there was no pollution, crime filled cities, highways clogged with vehicles, guns, nuclear power plants, polluted rivers, welfare systems, corrupt politicians, banks, social security cards, birth certificates, grocery stores, gas stations, cable television, cell phones, credit cards, debt, loans, major illnesses, no need for jets and tanks and warships--so what happened? The white man's government came and murdered all that was good and brought all that was bad.  Now America is a polluted land filled with death, misery, poverty, corruption, crime, disease, illness, debt, pollution and spiritual death. All the while, the American people go about their days like puppets because they are allowed to buy a...


Blind, Deaf and Dumb

The America that once existed with honor and integrity has become destroyed by blind, deaf and dumb people that allow a criminal government to manipulate and control them. Are you one of those people? Before you answer this question you need to look at your cell phone and call the NSA and ask them why your calls and e-mails are being recorded while the American Government is spending millions training people the American people consider their enemy. --Unkn...

Unbelievable! Middle Schooler Could Be Criminally Charged With This! (america is no more)

Christian Woman Survives Muslim Stabbing by Calling on Jesus Christ (YESHUA/JESUS hears our cries and protects us)

Mystery as scores of dead rare sea animals wash up” in Gulf of California — AP: Dozens of carcasses found on beaches and floating in water — Gov’t experts ‘baffled’ over mass death of dolphins, sea lions, turtles — “Long stretch of coastline closed off to public” (PHOTOS)

“Nuclear fire” erupts at radioactive facility near major US city — Footage shows underground explosions, massive smoke plumes — AP: “Unknown amount of radioactive waste burned” — EPA sends emergency radiological team — Residents: “We were flat out lied to… Why didn’t they evacuate the town?” (VIDEO)

Former US Gov’t Official: “The elephant in the room is Fukushima radiation” when it comes to Pacific Ocean animal die-offs… Gov’t has totally failed to inform public about full extent of fallout… Media’s silence is deafening — Mentions coverage by ENENews





Thursday, October 22, 2015



Masked Terrorist Uses Sword to Attack Swedish School Children

Absolute Truth




Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Stop the Pain. Stop Abortions (please sign)


Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Canada Loses a Moral Compass

Pro Life Stop the Shutdown of Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers (please sign)

Israel Forever


Monday, October 19, 2015


The Spirit of YAHWEH overcomes all things


Eternal Truth


When YESHUA returns there will be eternal peace and goodwill toward men







“Mind-blowing” die off of seabirds underway from California to Alaska — Experts: “This is unprecedented… Worst I’ve ever seen… Why they’re dying, I’m still baffled” — “Every bird we’re seeing is starving to death… Basically withering away” — “Catastrophic molting” due to unknown cause (VIDEO)

Professor: “It’s really a dead zone” in areas of Fukushima — “Huge impacts… there are no butterflies, no birds… many dramatically fewer species” — “Why does it matter to you (in the U.S.)? The reason is, it’s coming, it is coming” (VIDEO)

Military Strategist: nobama’s Middle East Policies ‘Have Accelerated Christian Genocide’ (YAHWEH will destroy this demon)

Media's Jihad against the Jews (main stream media outlets are sewage and report filthy lies against Blessed Israel)

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Moving Toward A One World Government, A One World Economy And A One World Religion

America Looks A Lot Like Nazi Germany Did Just Prior To World War II (YAHWEH will destroy america)

YAHWEH will avenge this Jewish brother's innocent blood


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