Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Chuck Hagel warns: Troops are ‘close to the breaking point’ While our troops are close to the breaking point, worn down after continual employment--other countries have fresh, well rested troops that are not worn down by a tyrannical government...



2nd U.S. Circuit Court Of Appeals Allows NDAA Indefinite Detention Of U.S. Citizens

Health Effects in Humans, Flora and Fauna by the ongoing Clandestine Aerial Sprayings

Geoengineering Is Destroying The Ozone Layer

Scientists Discover What’s Killing The Bees And It’s Worse Than You Thought

Harsh Drought Is Drying Up New Mexico's Largest Reservoir

America : A Country In Its Final Death Throes

Either Through War Or Financial Collapse: “It Will Be Very Painful”

Well known contrarian economist Dr. Doom Marc Faber weighs in on the state of the global economy and current events. Despite being ignored by his many colleagues in economic circles for his dire warnings ahead of the crash of 2008, Faber has been on the mark about how stock markets would behave, what governments would do, and the subsequent effects on the global populace. To say that he expects a crash would be an understatement. According to Faber, what’s coming down the pike will be much, much worse than any crash we’ve seen in our lifetimes, which is why he’s previously recommended high voltage electric perimeter fencing and attack dogs as investments, along with farms outside of high population areas and machine guns to defend them. Here are the latest insights from Marc...

Uganda Urges Farmers to Scale Down Food Exports as Drought Hits Yields

Shalom Jerusalem ( Paul Wilbur )


For Congress, ‘it’s classified’ is new equivalent of ‘none of your business’

These tyrants will answer directly to YESHUA our ETERNAL RISEN LORD!

Bagged salad caused parasite outbreak, states say

Top GOP donors tell party to legalize illegal immigrants

Here's an idea for truth: Arrest the illegals, send them back to whatever country they came from, and make them enter the county 'Legally'.

Immigration bill: John McCain says ‘border surge’ could be changed

McCain  is a tyrant--a traitor to truth and justice Immigration bill: John McCain says ‘border surge’ could be changed Read more:

Detroit Businesses Fret Over City's Unpaid Bills

Collapse of Potash Cartel Sends Shock Waves Worldwide

American Dream Slipping Away as Homeownership at 18-Year Low

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Louisianna Sinkhole: Intermitent Seismic Spikes Continue Today + Other News

Fire destroys Green Energy Products bio diesel plant in Sedgwick

Radio: Uranium-contaminated plume covers 125 acres at U.S. nuclear site — Over 300 lbs. of uranium a year flowing into Columbia River (AUDIO) #Hanford

Blowout in Gulf still leaking? Scientists checking for pollution are not allowed within 5 miles of site — Sheen continues to be observed — Fire boats remain nearby — Gas could “impact offshore ecosystems”

‘Alarm bells’ over state of Fukushima plant — Official: Gov’t will investigate how radioactive contamination is impacting life in Pacific Ocean; “Problems… are more complicated than (we) initially thought”

80 Percent Of U.S. Adults Face Near-Poverty, Unemployment: Survey

Stolen childhoods overlooked amid toll of war and famine

Monday, July 29, 2013

15 workers missing in Florida plant blasts found safe

Swiss police say 35 injured in train collision

Explosions rock Lake County gas plant, force evacuations,0,

Fire that shut down U.S. nuclear reactor released “potentially toxic gas or asphyxiant or flammable gas that could impact plant operation” #Callaway

Radio: Fukushima Daiichi has “contaminated the biggest body of water on the planet” — Radioactive leaks to harm marine and human life — Whole Pacific Ocean likely to have cesium levels 5-10 times higher than at peak of nuclear bomb tests (AUDIO)

9 Ways the Federal Government has Hijacked your Rights & Taken over the Country

To be honest, we probably could have listed hundreds of different examples of government abuse. But we wanted to specifically focus on topics that we’ve covered over the last couple of years in relation to the Federal Governments attempts to Limit State Rights, Federalize local Police Forces, and most importantly how they are actively attempting to take away your freedoms and your liberty. Feds Using National League of Cities & State Municipal Leagues to sidestep State Rights Not many Americans have even heard of these organizations, yet they wield a huge amount of power and have managed to take over almost every level of...

20 Controversial Questions The Mainstream Media Won’t Touch With A Ten Foot Pole

Top U.S. General Warns: “The Decision To Use Force Is No Less Than An Act of War”

For those politicians in Washington and their supporters who think engaging the Syrian army with a “kinetic action” akin to Libya’s “no fly zones” is all it will take to oust the regime of President Bashar al-Assad, consider the latest assessment from America’s top commanding officer. On Thursday Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey told a Senate committee that the Obama administration is considering the use of military force in Syria. … Gen. Dempsey warned “the decision to use force is … no less than an act of war,” adding that the U.S. “must anticipate and be prepared for the unintended consequences of our action. … Deeper involvement is hard to avoid.” Before going over the options, Dempsey reiterated his non-committal stance: ”The decision over...

Exclusive: Signs of declining economic security

Do You Want To Scare A Baby Boomer?

Floods dislocate 45,000 Maguindanao villagers

Flooding in North Carolina kills 2

Barry McGuire - Eve of Destruction


Sunday, July 28, 2013

Fukushima Operator Announces Plan to Release Radioactive Water into Pacific

European Union to Ban Research Grants in the Name of "Peace"


On Your Walls O Jerusalem


Black parents shocked when son was born white

It's not the color that matters--it's the love within our hearts.

Injured Afghanistan Vet Told She Can’t Fly American Flag At Apartment

Methane Data Set for Louisiana and nearby Gulf – 2013


Emergency declared at U.S. nuclear plant: Fire shuts down reactor — “Reports of black smoke” — Company says no release of radioactivity “above normal operating limits” #Callaway

‘Crisis’ at Fukushima plant — Tepco: Extremely radioactive water leaking directly into groundwater and going into ocea

Storms in France leave thousands without power

The NSA's New Spy Facilities are 7 Times Bigger Than the Pentagon

60 districts hit by famine

This is why it is a sin to waste food

21 dead as floods strike quake-hit Chinese province

 We need to prayer for the people affected by this.

Drought concerns return to Iowa, Nebraska

Alabama Cop Fired For Speaking Up Against Ticket & Arrested Quotas!


Prophetic Meaning of Comet ISON


WSJ: Extreme contamination found at Fukushima plant — Cesium over 2 billion Bq/liter; Millions of times above limit — Tepco ‘trying’ to stop it leaking into ocean — ‘Probably’ from melted reactor core

Officials: Gas is likely leaking from containment vessel of Fukushima Reactor No. 3 — “It was observed as the steam”

Crude oil seen in water by blowout in Gulf — AP: Sheen reported each day since incident began — First estimated at 7,000 gallons a day (PHOTOS)

Kyodo News: Extremely contaminated water is seeping into Pacific Ocean from under Fukushima Reactor No. 2 turbine building — Tepco: We believe ir’s staying in trench

Crisis’ at Fukushima plant — Tepco: Extremely radioactive water leaking directly into groundwater and going into ocean

Yemen Releases Journalist Obama Tried to Keep Behind Bar

This journalist spoke truth and the tyrants tried to keep him locked awa...

House Committee Approves Funding Ban on UN Gun Grab

This issue should have never been subject of concern to begin with--the UN should have nothing to with individual american rights to arm and protect themselves.

Mercury Thermometers Banned in Israel - End of an Era

Because Israel knows the truth--and you can bet that corrupt america won't follow. Nah, america is too busy putting fluoride in the water, spraying poison chem trails in the skies, putting dangerous gmo's in the food and passing corrupt laws.

3-year-old Syrian girl transferred to Israel for treatment

Oh, you mean Israel isn't' the big bad wolf after all! Gee, the world makes Israel out to be so awful--wonder why they didn't take this little girl to a hospital, say, in Turkey, or Iran, or Saudia Arabia, or hey, even the fake palestinians? Why Israel? Because Israel is a country of honor and truth, decency and kindness, while every other country are full of lies and corruption.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Debt Levels Are Skyrocketing To Extremely Dangerous Levels – How Long Can This Possibly Keep Going?

The Biggest Oil Discovery In 50 Years?

It Is Happening Again: 18 Similarities Between The Last Financial Crisis And Today

San Antonio Preparing to Arrest Christians Who Speak Out on the Bible

Matthew Ch 24

NGO warns of looming famine in the upper east region

Friday, July 26, 2013

Syrian forces launch offensive on Palestinian camp

Oh, but you won't here the fake palestinians complain about this--instead they'll make war over an innocent Jewish man breathing the wrong way

Japan Gov’t: It’s “inevitable” that Fukushima radioactive water will be dumped in Pacific Ocean — “Tepco has no choice”

Tepco Advisor Blasts Tepco: “You do not know what you’re doing” — Japan Times: Time for gov’t to take over at Fukushima Daiichi? (VIDEO)



Halliburton Pleads Guilty To Destroying Evidence In Connection With Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill

Official: Bayou Corne sinkhole at least 500 feet deep

Roundup and Birth Defects: Is the Public Being Kept in the Dark?

Garlic Beats Drug in Detoxifying Lead Safely From Body

‘Chaos’ over 4 underground oil blowouts in Canada: “Everybody is freaking out about this” — Spills can’t be stopped, “There is no off button” — Leaking since winter (VIDEO)

‘Mysterious’ steam at Fukushima Unit 3 — NPR: “Fuel could have shifted… or worse restarted nuclear reactions” — Tepco: “We still don’t know for sure the cause” (AUDIO)

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Higher Education: Brainwashing 101

NSA Taps Directly Into Undersea Fiber-optic Data Cables

Rep. Amash: "Washington Elites Fear Liberty"

Of course they do--and that is why they're trying to push gun control laws, diminish the constitution, cripple the economy, fund terrorist, create false flag events, control the media, spread racial hate, spy on everything you do, and much more

College Student Stranded in Ocean for 16 Hours

Defying US warnings of civil war, Egyptian military to crack down on armed protest and mounting terrorism

U.S warnings? What this really means is the tyrants in the government are pouting because the Egyptian people took back their liberty from the muslim terrorist they put into office there.

Just In: Burning well in Gulf has ‘bridged over’ — “Sand and sediment collapsed into area being drilled, blocking the line” — Feds say gas flow stopped, fire decreasing (PHOTO)

Fukushima Unit 3 steaming again, third time in a week — Asahi: High radiation levels detected near where it was observed — Tepco does not know where it’s coming from (PHOTOS)

Is This Fruit Extract 10,000 Times Better Than Chemo?

How to be prepared for the long drought

Drilling rig on fire, begins to collapse; relief well to be drilled

Hercules Offshore Provides Update To Incident On Jackup Drilling Rig Hercules 265

NEWEST EVENT MAP for the Gulf of Mexico

Methane Bubbling In New Orleans

Video is well worth the watch....

What do Pesticides, Herbicides and Antibiotics have in Common?

Congress and the Justice Dept's Dangerous Attempts to Define “Journalist” Threaten to Exclude Bloggers

Leaked Pakistani Report Confirms High Civilian Death Toll In CIA Drone Strikes

And do you think they care about the deaths of these innocent people, or you yourself? No way! Tyrants don't care about nothing but money, power and control.

Unconventional pastor leads booming NYC megachurch


Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Israel Angered by U.S. Leaks of Submarine Missile Attack on Syria

america is a traitor to Israel, it's that simple--not the american people, but the american government

US federal appeals court: American citizens born in Jerusalem not from Israel

Woe to america for doing this

Japan scrambles jets after China plane flies by southern islands

Russia: US drive to arm Syria rebels hurts chances for peace

Arming syrian rebels is treason against innocent people, not just in america, but around the globe

Palestinians in Gaza fire mortar shells at south

YAHWEH will destroy the enemies of Israel!!! Can you imagine if this read: Israel fires mortar shells The world would be all over Israel--but because this is the fake palestinians, it's okay, they can fire at Israel all they want and the world won't say a word.

Person of pure evil: Pope Criminalizes the Reporting of Sex Crimes

Here's the person of pure evil that claims to be so nice: nothing but a filthy pervert that will try and punish anyone who tries to speak out about the abuse of innocent children.

Outbreaks/Disease Outbreaks global incident map

Fourth case of EEE found in Brooks County, GA

This is from 6-28-13 but still very important

Monsanto gives up on GM crops in Europe, pursues patenting of conventional crops

 Wednesday, July 24, 2013 by: Jonathan Benson, The world's most evil corporation, Monsanto, has announced it will cease trying to introduce any new genetically-modified (GM) crops into Europe following years of widespread public opposition to the controversial and untested technology. Instead, the multinational biotechnology behemoth will re-focus its efforts on controlling the conventional seed market in the European Union (EU), an outlandish move that proves the seed giant is still determined, in one way or another, to dominate global agriculture.Monsanto's President and Managing Director for Europe, Jose Manuel Madero, recently told Reuters in a phone interview that his company will be withdrawing all existing approval requests for new GMOs in Europe within the next few months....

Officials: 'Major cloud of gas' surrounds platform after blowout

Today's Earthquakes

AP: Official says suffocation risk at giant Louisiana sinkhole — Spewing gas could cause explosion hazard (VIDEO)

Gizmodo: Entirely possible leaking nuclear material from Fukushima is going to U.S. and Canada — Bloomberg: “Fish contamination concerns have spread beyond Japan”

Senior Japan Officials: Nuclear material flowing into ocean a ‘grave matter’ — Situation at Fukushima is ‘deplorable’ (VIDEO)

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The New (Ab)normal: When 200 People Have More Wealth Than 3,500,000,000

Corrupt people wanting power, control and money

The Tip Of The Iceberg Of The Coming Retirement Crisis That Will Shake America To The Core

Share This Chart With Anyone That Believes The U.S. Economy Is Not Going To Crash

All Corn Syrup Contains MSG

2 Million Deaths Yearly Worldwide Linked with Air Pollution

Seeds of Destruction: The Diabolical World of Genetic Manipulation

The 10 GMO Myths That Monsanto Wants You to Believe

Im Eshkachech - Lev Tahor


Military Prepares for Global Unrest Amid Climate Fears

The reason I post this is because I want you to pay careful attention to the sixth seal in Revelation Ch 6 and the four Shofars that follow when the seventh seal is opened (the last three Shofars are vital, but for now I want to focus on the first four) When the sixth seal is opened, the sun turns black as sackcloth, the moon to blood, and the stars of heaven fall. There is a great earthquake and mountains and islands are moved out of their places. The 1st Shofar impacts the climate The 2nd Shofar impacts the climate The 3rd Shofar impacts the climate The 4th Shofar impacts the climate Now take into mind how the climate of the world will be effected when the Sixth seal is open and the first four Shofars are sounded. A tremendous climate change will take place. This is a global impact that...

Monday, July 22, 2013

Louisiana sinkhole now 24 acres — Officials issue cease and desist order after gas found “approaching explosive level” coming from hole in front of homes

“Worrisome” spike in deadly birth defects around leaking U.S. nuclear site — Officials claim “it could be a complete coincidence” — No news reports mention it’s by the most contaminated area in Western Hemisphere #Hanford

Top US officer outlines options for military force in Syria

"That American forces could undertake a range of missions to help Syrian rebels if asked by the White House, from providing training to establishing no-fly zones or conducting limited attacks on military targets." They'll assist and train terrorist--terrorist that hate america. And let me point out that while the tyrants in the government are betraying america by supporting terrorist, russia will support syria against any u.s. intervention. Anyone waking up yet?

Following Government Sugar Guidelines Increases Heart Risk In Just Two Weeks

Why Did The Obama Administration “Organize And Manage” Protests Against George Zimmerman?

10 Ways That The Iron Grip Of The Big Brother Prison Grid Is Tightening On All Of Our Lives

Modern Ruins of Abandoned Detroit (PHOTOS

12 Signs That The Decay Of Society Is Accelerating

CDC Admits 98 Million Americans Received Polio Vaccine Contaminated With Cancer Virus

Texas Drought Forecast to Continue, Perhaps For Years

More Heat, Drought and Floods in 2013

Drought Deepens in Arkansas

(Ireland) Now it's a drought as we run out of water

Our "As You Wish" Markets Have Reached the Cliffs of Insanity

Sunday, July 21, 2013

List Mass Animal Deaths

Shared from another website--I personally did not make this list. The hard work that went into making this list belongs to end time website MASS ANIMAL DEATH LIST                     Event Summary for 2013 - 427 Known Mass Death Events in 65 Countries 20th July 2013 - 36,000 Bees found dead, "pesticides suspected" in Niestetal, Germany. Link 20th July 2013 - 3,000 fish found dead in a creek in Madison County, Ohio, America. Link 19th July 2013 - Hundreds of fish turning up dead in...

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