Monday, July 29, 2013

Top U.S. General Warns: “The Decision To Use Force Is No Less Than An Act of War”

For those politicians in Washington and their supporters who think engaging the Syrian army with a “kinetic action” akin to Libya’s “no fly zones” is all it will take to oust the regime of President Bashar al-Assad, consider the latest assessment from America’s top commanding officer.

On Thursday Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey told a Senate committee that the Obama administration is considering the use of military force in Syria.

Gen. Dempsey warned “the decision to use force is … no less than an act of war,” adding that the U.S. “must anticipate and be prepared for the unintended consequences of our action. … Deeper involvement is hard to avoid.”
Before going over the options, Dempsey reiterated his non-committal stance: ”The decision over whether to introduce military force is a political one that our Nation entrusts to its civilian leaders. I also understand that you deserve my best military advice on how military force could be used in order to decide whether it should be used.”
Translation: We’re looking at another long-term quagmire similar to Afghanistan and Iraq, or worse.
This will not be merely sorties being flown over Syria. It will involve large-scale troop movements. We know this as evidenced by the statements of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, and that’s why we’re not the only ones putting boots on the ground. Last week Russia staged massive full combat readiness exercises involving some 160,000 troops, naval ships, fighter planes and strategic bombers in preparation for the possibility of a U.S. led attack on Syria, and just a few weeks ago it was announced that the Syrians have been armed with weapons never before seen in the middle east.
Russian President Vladimir Putin may have sat on the sidelines while the United States took control of other mid east nations over the last decade, but all indications suggest he won’t be sitting idly by should the United States go to war in Syria.
It would not be an overreaction to suggest that a military engagement in Syria could engulf the U.S. and Russia in World War III, something that numerous analysts and contrarian thinkers have suggested would be the end result of our current global economic and political tensions.
World War III will occur in the next five years. That means the Middle East will blow up. New regimes there will be less Western-friendly. The West has also figured out it can’t contain China, which is rising rapidly and will have more military and naval power in Southeast Asia. The only way for the West to contain China is to control the oil tap in the Middle East.
Dr. Marc Faber via SGT Report [January 12, 2012]
When our supposed global economic recovery is revealed to be nothing but smoke and mirrors, and tens of millions more Americans lose their jobs and the ability to put food on their tables, and they subsequently take to the streets to loot what they can, there will be few options left. One such option that democidal governments have always kept in their back pockets is to start a war and divert attention away from the real problems facing their countries to manufactured enemies. It’s a tried and tested technique that has been used by conquerors and psychopaths for centuries, and they’re prepared to use it again when the situation calls for it.
The threats posed by Syria have not only been manufactured, but are being actively fueled by this administration in an effort to sway the sentiment of the American people.
President Bush had weapons of mass destruction. The strategy worked so well that President Obama, less than a decade later, is using the exact same excuse for our need to involve hundreds of thousands of American lives in another mid east country – one that we had a hand in destabilizing from the get-go.
In his book and documentary, strategic relocation specialist Joel Skousen warns of the coming war involving Russia, China and the United States.
What we’re seeing now are the open stages of that war. It may still be “cold,” but you can be assured that the people in charge, along with their partners in the multi-billion dollar military industrial complex and financing cartels, are not only willing to start a war, they’re very much planning on this very outcome.
World War III  has already begun, and those in power intend to send us, our children and our grandchildren to do their bidding.
WAR is a racket. It always has been.
It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.
General Smedley Butler (1935)
At the time of his death in 1940 General Butler was the highest decorated Marine in U.S. History


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