Sunday, August 25, 2013

Paul Wilbur - Blessed Is The Lord - Desert Rain (with lyrics)


Friday, August 16, 2013

Saudi Abdullah backs Egypt’s military ruler, warns against outside interference

Fiscal Times: Employers Are Speeding Up Health Benefit Cutbacks Before Obamacare

China, Japan Lead Record Investor Flight From US Bonds

Pregnant Mother Attacked By Black Mob In Sanford, Florida – Where Was The Media Coverage?

This is not a racial post--this post is made to show the corrupt of the u.s. government and the controlled media circus that reports on what they are ordered to by the tyrants While that tyrant al shapron is yelling racism, he needs to shut his mouth and listen to truth

Snowden Leaks Deal Another Blow to Obama’s Credibility

Armed Texas Woman Fires On 6 Armed Robbers – Saves Countless Lives

Arm, carry and protect your family and yourself

Police Chief Requests Armored Vehicle From DHS After Calling “Free State Project” Members Domestic Terrorists

Is This Document The Smoking Gun Of The United Nations’ Disarmament Plan For America?

Asahi: Radioactive cesium in Fukushima water now 8 times higher than when disaster began

Highest contamination levels yet in seawater off Fukushima plant — 3,800 Bq/liter of tritium

Japan TV reveals cover-up of radioactive ‘black rain’ data — Doctor: “This is really surprising” — A-bomb Survivor: “I feel nothing but resentment” (VIDEO)

CNBC: “Cow terrorism” from government’s push to restart reactors — Nuclear power is unwelcome, Japan public fearful and resentful (VIDEO)

Dental Caries and Periodontitis Linked to Hardening of the Arteries

World Trade Oragnization forces Russia to import GMO Seeds

Half of Queensland now in drought, government says

Idaho faces risk of 'explosive fire growth' as 34 wildfires rage nationwide

Humala: Global Economic Crisis Has Reached Peru

More floods expected in Sudan after 53 die

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Magnitude 6.8 earthquake shakes New Zealand

Bloomberg: Tepco now in talks to cover Fukushima reactors with concrete for next 75 years — Officials reviewing plan in U.S.

Series of chemical explosions rock hazardous waste plant by Florida border — Radioactive waste mentioned on company’s acceptance form — FBI responds to blast — Plumes of smoke and flames over 100 feet high (VIDEO)

Russia, China block Security Council debate on Egypt

russia and china will go against the tyrants in the american government--when the war in syria escalates into a world war, russia and china will defend syria. syria is not threat to america or Israel right now, and therefore the tyrants in the american government have no right to arm syrian rebels at the cost of tax payer dollars. The tyrants need syria to fall in order to get to iran. Wake up and see the truth. Just as 9/11 was orchestrated in order to make a path to iraq, some event will be orchestrated to take america into war with syria by the tyrants. And as I mentioned, russia and china will not allow american intervention.

US cancels joint biannual training exercise with Egypt

The tyrants are whining because Egypt took back its country from thugs and criminals (aka: meslim brotherhood). Good for Egypt for destroying that thug force that the tyrants in the american government put into place as part of its corrupt agenda

Are you preapred for any of this

If an event of some form took place, and these things mentioned on the list took effect, are you prepared? How would you act, adapt, live, survive? Think hard on this when you look at your family. What are you really doing to help and protect your family? According to the Book of Revelation, when the mark of the beast takes place, you won't be given a choice: You will either take the mark or become marked for death. Will YAHWEH'S children depend on HIS Strength or panic? Ask yourself these questions instead of listening to some eat tickling message inside a building--and begin looking outside that building at the world and what it has become.  Has society become to dependent on the government instead of YAHWEH? As for me and my house, we will serve YAHWEH forever! 1.  No clean...

The Lead Vaccine Developer Comes Clean So She Can “Sleep At Night” – 44 girls are officially known to have died from these vaccines

REVEALED: How a Big Biotech Corp is Controlling the Government — Completely Legally!

Obamacare Provision: “Forced” Home Inspections

Armed TSA teams now roam in public, conduct “suspicionless searches” on demand


10 American Foods That Are Banned in Other Countries

10 Natural Substances That Could Help Cure Type 1 Diabetes

Christian Persecution in America

Christian Persecution

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

400 Missiles Stolen in Benghazi… 20,000 Missiles Stolen in Tripoli… 20,000 M-16s Stolen in Kuwait… Related?

Nuclear Expert: Xenon detections in S. Korea may be from Fukushima reactors — Criticality or ‘spontaneous fission of curium’ to blame?

Bloomberg: Much more than 300 tons of contaminated water a day entering Pacific from Fukushima? Data’s been “cooked” all along — It’s polluting North Asia — Oceans have no boundary

CBS: Dire Warning from Fire Commander — Landfill fire near nuclear waste would threaten entire St. Louis region with radioactive smoke — “Potential for something very tragic”

New footage of Louisiana sinkhole shows oil sheen covering surface — “At 500 feet, air is thick with smell of crude” during recent flyover — Officials plan in case subsidence forces highway to shut down (VIDEO)

Northeast Asia suffers under severe heat wave

Virologist: “There Will Be More Infections… We Need to Be Vigilant” *Interview With Infectious Disease Expert*

New viruses are one of the more prominent threats that mankind faces. With the H7N9 flu virus now spreading by human-to-human transmission, and the MERS Coronavirus spreading in the middle east and having a 50% mortality rate, it’s becoming increasingly possible for the contagion to spread across the globe. With viruses continuously evolving, as we have seen with H7N9 jumping from animals to humans, we could literally be just a mutation away from a crisis similar to what the world saw during the H1N1 Spanish Flu variant pandemic of 1918, which infected half a billion people and killed an estimated 5% of the world’s population.. Full Spectrum...

Study: Millions Treated for Hypothyroidism At Risk for Lung Cance

Friday's flash floods were Manitou Springs' worst disaster in decades

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

18 Little-Known Gun Facts That Prove That Guns Make Us Safer

Newly Discovered Eighth Grade Exam From 1912 Shows How Dumbed Down America Has Become

19 Shocking Examples Of How Political Correctness Is Destroying America

Multinational peacekeeping exercise begins in Mongolia

Washington’s Drive For Hegemony Is A Drive To War — Paul Craig Roberts

Floods, Landslides Turn Deadly in Japan (PHOTOS)

The Dangers of Tylenol: Is it Time for the FDA to Remove it From the Market?

Deadly floods hit several states

Storm causes flooding, landslides across the North

TV: Your Mind. Controlled.

This Is The Biggest Cluster Of Hindenburg Omens Since The Last Stock Market Crash

They Are Systematically Destroying Our Independence And Making Us All Serfs Of The State

The Global Intelligence Files

On Monday February 27th, 2012, WikiLeaks began publishing The Global Intelligence Files, over five million e-mails from the Texas headquartered "global intelligence" company Stratfor. The e-mails date between July 2004 and late December 2011. They reveal the inner workings of a company that fronts as an intelligence publisher, but provides confidential intelligence services to large corporations, such as Bhopal's Dow Chemical Co., Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and government agencies, including the US Department of Homeland Security, the US Marines and the US Defence Intelligence Agency. The emails show Stratfor's web of informers, pay-off structure, payment laundering techniques and psychological methods.

Collapsing Earth: Why Are Giant Sinkholes Swallowing Cars, Homes And People All Around The World?

US Moves to Block US Airways, American Airlines Merger

Iron Dome intercepts rocket against Eilat

No, not the iron dome---it was YAHWEH who slapped down those rockets! PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME FOREVER THROUGH YESHUA our ETERNAL RISEN LORD!!!

Dempsey in Israel, Jordan, to tie last ends before Obama decides finally on US military action in Syria

Now you need to ask yourself (because the entire world knows america isn't nothing but a corrupt thug nation hiding behind the military) this: What will russian, iran, china and north korea do? I'm not saying an honest america should ever back down from any enemy, but america has become a thug nation now and other countries and nations will stand up and fight against america until the end. syria is no threat to america and right now. I see syria being no threat to Israel; as of now. Yet america is bullying Israel into this war because Israel is concerned over iran's nuclear ambitions. Israel needs to tell america to get lost and seek YAHWEH'S TRUTH instead of listening to the corrupt voices of the sinful nations. War World Three--the Fourth Seal? Yes, I believe so. http://www.debka....

Radiation Expert: Enormous amount of contamination flowing from Fukushima will probably imperil entire Pacific Ocean — Threatens other countries, food chain — Absolutely can reach U.S. and Canadian shores (VIDEO

AP: ‘Time bomb’ in leaking Fukushima trenches — If Tepco removes extremely contaminated water as planned, it will only make more flow in since reactor buildings connect to trenches

NHK Special Report on Fukushima: “We are still in an emergency… Not much time left… We can’t afford to wait” — Asahi: Fear of contaminated water overflowing from well that’s nearby trench leaking 3 billion Bq/liter into ground (VIDEO

Tepco “deeply apologizes for mistake” — Admits ‘sprayed’ Fukushima workers actually exposed to 5 times ‘safe’ radiation limit — Radioactive dust to blame, not water spray? — Just In: Worker taken urgently to hospital in ‘bad condition’ (VIDEO)

TV: Ground turning to ‘quicksand’ at Fukushima plant due to frozen seawall — Engineers are warning this may topple reactor units (VIDEO)

Monday, August 12, 2013

Why Are So Many People Choosing To Leave The United States Permanently?


Why Are Millions Of Fish Suddenly Dying In Mass Death Events All Over The Planet?

Hosea Ch 4

IRS’s NEW Target: Small Businesses!?!?

Sen. Ted Cruz’s Dad RIPS Into Obamacare: It WILL “Destroy the Elderly”

Korea Times: Quarter-billion liters of Fukushima contaminated water flowed into Pacific — Japan cover-up could violate international law — Hid global issue of environmental concern?

Tepco: Trench connected to Unit No. 2 is what’s contaminating groundwater at Fukushima — Has extremely high levels of over 3 billion Bq/liter of radioactive substances — Water is flowing in from reactor building (VIDEO)

Contamination sprayed on men at Fukushima plant — Alarm sounds over radioactivity levels — Worker: They never told us Reactor 3 building was steaming, “I found out about it on TV” (VIDEO)

Abusing the System: Facebook Standards and the People Who Violate Them

If you have a facebook account, you need to delete it ASAP--facebook is controlled and corrupt!!!

University of California Study: National Debt Is Really $70 Trillion

Tyranny Rules in america

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Conservative Group Sues IRS for Disclosing Financial Data

Coal Country Won’t Go Down Without a Fight; as Hundreds of Coal Plants Near Closing

Wake Up America! Blatant Corruption, Aggressive Tyranny, and a Designed Economic Crisis

Are These The Last Days Of The U.S. Marine Corps?

A Quadrillion Yen And Counting – The Japanese Debt Bomb Could Set Off Global Panic At Any Moment

During The Best Period Of Economic Growth In U.S. History There Was No Income Tax And No Federal Reserve

Time Magazine Promotes A Childless Lifestyle As The Path To The Good Life For U.S. Couples

Psalms Ch 127: 4 The children born when one is young. are like arrows in the hand of a warrior. 5 How blessed is the man who has filled his quiver with them; he will not have to be embarrassed when contending with foes at the city gate.   (Complete Jewish Bible)

19 Very Disturbing Facts About Illegal Immigration That Every American Should Know

The Name Of Jesus Has Become A Name of Conflict In Politically Correct America

WHEN YESHUA HIMSELF RETURNS, HIS HOLY NAME WILL BE ETERNALLY GLORIFIED!!! Woe to this sinful, corrupt and blasphemous country for YAHWEH'S WRATH will come in such force that none will be able to stand! HOLY AND RIGHTEOUS ARE YAHWEH'S JUDGEMENTS on this corrupt country! ...

TV: China, Korea, Taiwan, New Zealand, and others are going to want to know just how out of control this new radiation emergency at Fukushima is (VIDEO)

TV: Very likely some of Fukushima’s melted cores have moved into the earth — “It’s beyond containment right now” (VIDEO

“Nuclear leaks poison the Pacific” — “We’re talking about the Pacific Ocean, so it’s not just Fukushima that’s affected” — “Criticism will be worldwide” if contamination keeps flowing from plant

'It's a real mess': Rescues and evacuations as deadly floods hit Missouri

Why Have Police In America Turned Into Such Ruthless Thugs?

State Dept Establishes Office of Faith Based Community Initiatives – Director Says “I Am Glad American Civil Religion Is Dying”

What The Media Isn’t Telling You About The Syrian Civil War

Harry Reid Comes Clean: Obamacare Is First Step to Single Payer System (Socialized Medicine)

With Illegitimate Power Comes Illegitimate Laws

DHS Extinguishes 197 Million People’s 4th Amendment Rights In Constitution Free Zones

Friday, August 9, 2013

Exclusive: U.S. Will Now Let in Thousands of Syrian Refugees

Former Border Patrol Officers: US Politicians Protecting Mexican Drug Cartels

DeMint to Newsmax: Defund Obamacare, No Matter the Risk to GOP

Agree completely

US Military May Grant Gay Members Special 10-Day Leave to Marry


Attorney General Blocks School District’s Plan to Arm Teachers

Another tyrant standing in the way of the protection of innocent children

Blue Cross, Aetna, United, Humana Flee Obamacare Exchanges

Armored Vehicle Requested To Deal With Libertarians

Innocent people seeking to be free from the tyrannical government are now considered the enemy--this is the new america

Obama Administration Brings Forced Diversity to Your Neighborhood

Common Core: A Scheme to Rewrite Education

Orwellian Nightmare: Data-mining Your Kids

Thursday, August 8, 2013

The Dead Sea Scrolls The Bible & Jewish History Confirmed


The Rise Of The Bear: 18 Signs That Russia Is Rapidly Catching Up To The United States

People vs Tyrants

These tyrants    Do not think these average normal citizens Have a right to truth, justice and freedom any longer Proof: Taking GOD out of everything Abortions Christian Rights under attack Poison vaccines Patriot Act NSA Spying National Defense Authorization Act Obema Care Chem trails GMOs Water flouridation Drone Spying Gun control Amnesty to millions of illegal aliens Controlled media Legalization of gay marriages Militarization of police Deliberate crippling of the american economy (take detroit for an example) Controlled banks Controlled school systems Controlled health care Controlled education Controlled Work environments...

Gundersen: Fukushima reactors “will become unstable” if new barrier causes water buildup underground — Nuclear buildings could topple during quake

This is truth--wake up out there!

 Stephen Greene works a street corner hoping to land a job as a laborer or carpenter in Pompano Beach, Florida. (Photo: Joe Raedle/Getty Images News)  Now look below and see the hypocrisy of the american government   US sending $195 million more in aid to Syria

Rep. Steve King: Obama Too Weak for Putin Meeting


Rand Paul: Hold Obama Accountable for Benghazi Cover-up

Agree completely--hold the tyrants accountable!

New U.S. Ambassador to UN: U.S. Should Give Up a “Pinch of Sovereignty”

Tyrants put other tyrants in place

Drone Hunting’ Ordinance on Ballot in Colorado Town

DHS Extinguishes 197 Million People’s 4th Amendment Rights In Constitution Free Zones

National Geographic: 3 years for contamination to reach U.S. coast from Fukushima, scientist estimates

Senior Scientist: 100 times more strontium than cesium in water at Fukushima plant — “Strontium gets into your bones… it changes the equation for Japanese fisheries” — Not “too” concerned U.S. fish will be affecte

Gundersen: No way to stop Fukushima’s radioactive water going into Pacific — It will continue for at least 20-30 years

Gov’t admits water pouring in ocean at Fukushima is “highly” contaminated; Going on for last 2 years — NHK: Officials reveal it may have started “just after the nuclear accident” (VIDEO)

Rockets fired from Gaza exploded in Eshkol region

Alright Israel--time to get to the skies and bomb those terrorist right back!!!

Virginia Sees Violent Crime Fall as Gun Sales Rise

Mainstream Media on Benghazi: It Was About Gun-running

Declines in Trust, Revenues Force Sales and Spinoffs of Newspapers

This is because people are waking up to the lies!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

11 Examples Of The Escalating Crime And Violence That Are Plaguing Communities Across America

Uinta Basin gas leakage far worse than most believe

One more reason to hate BP’s toxic tar balls: They contain flesh-eating bacteria

Evidence Suggests New Bird Flu Spread Among People

Russian Senator to Launch Appeal for Snowden Funds

Good for this Senator for trying to help Snowden!

20 Cities That May Face Bankruptcy After Detroit

Hundreds of Anti-Obama Protests Planned for Today

We needs millions of these protest to get the tyrants out and decent, honorable men in!

Voicemail Leaked Of Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton – This Is What Bribery Sounds Like

Embassies…Close Them All

‘We’ll Have Plenty Of Money If We Just Loot More People’

DEA Unit Funnels ‘Unconstitutionally Obtained’ Intelligence to Secretly Help Authorities Build Their Cases

Tepco Official: This is extremely serious — We are unable to control radioactive water seeping out of Fukushima plant (VIDEO)

Rise of New Rotaviruses Induced by the Vaccine

Scientists Explain Why HPV Vaccines Are Unsafe

The Coming Push to Give HPV Vaccines to Infants

U.S Drought Monitor


US using terror alert to keep war on terror going: Barrett

Drought in China leaves nearly 6 million lacking water

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

4.7 Quake in the Gulf of Mexico

Massive Saharan dust cloud covers the Atlantic

Secret Service: Contact Us to 'Report a Tweet'

Family Of Firefighter Killed In Deadly Ariz. Wildfire Denied Lifetime Benefits From City

Radioactive Water From Fukushima Is Systematically Poisoning The Entire Pacific Ocean

31 Percent Of U.S. Honey Bees Were Wiped Out This Year – Who Will Pollinate Our Crops?

Obamacare idiocy: Work more hours, get less health insurance

Monday, August 05, 2013 by: J. D. Heyes The Oct. 1 kick-off date for Obamacare is rapidly approaching, and with each passing day, more Americans are finding out just how badly it is going to affect them and their families.In recent weeks, for example, state after state has announced that insurance rates for residents are going to skyrocket; many insurance companies have said they won't participate in the health care exchanges called for under Obamacare; and employers have said they are cutting hours and jobs in order to keep their own health insurance costs down.The more you make, the worse off you will beNow, according to a new analysis, if you work more hours, you are going to get less in terms of Obamacare "benefits" - a revelation that, no doubt, will lead some workers to cut...

Exposed: US military deliberately blasted toxic chemicals, radioactive material at Americans in covert war experiment

Monday, August 05, 2013 by: Ethan A. Huff Investigative researcher, sociologist, and secret military experiment expert Lisa Martino-Taylor has uncovered hundreds of documents that she says prove the U.S. military covertly poisoned Americans back in the 1950s and 60s under the guise of defending them against Russian invaders. In what can only be compared to the types of inhumane medical experiments forced on prisoners in Nazi death camps during World War II, these documents reveal that the U.S. Army secretly blasted toxic zinc cadmium sulfide and radioactive particles from rooftops and vehicles in St. Louis and elsewhere to test the effects of these toxins on humans.As reported by KSDK News 5 in St. Louis, these shocking revelations were obtained through numerous Freedom of Information...

Young woman's ovaries destroyed by Gardasil: Merck 'forgot to research' effects of vaccine on female reproduction

Tuesday, August 06, 2013 by: Jonathan Benson   A newly-published study has revealed that Merck & Co., the corporate mastermind behind the infamous Gardasil vaccine for human papillomavirus (HPV), conveniently forgot to research the effects of this deadly vaccine on women's reproductive systems. And at least one young woman, in this case from Australia, bore the brunt of this inexcusable failure after discovering that her own ovaries had been completely destroyed as a result of getting the vaccine. Published in the peer-reviewed British Medical Journal (BMJ), the harrowing recount of this young 16-year-old girl's experience should give pause to all parents currently being pressured by their doctors into having their young daughters jabbed with Gardasil. Robbed of her natural...



US raises alert for warships, Marines in Mid-East

You have to ask yourself: Is the so called 'alerts' a smoke screen in order to put pieces in place for some corrupt agenda? Just a thought, maybe I'm wrong.

US sources: Terror alert prompted by suspected suicide bombers with implanted explosives

More than 150 dead in flash floods in Pakistan and Afghanistan

I wanted to share my story about what happened when I refused my tetanus vaccine after having cut myself with a knife at home.

Pandemic of pension woes is plaguing the nation

Wildfire, drought, floods top Boulder County residents' concerns

Feds Caught in Lies; Say Will Come Clean. Don’t Bet on It.

Trade Deficit Slowing Growth, Destroying Jobs, Exacerbating Inequality

UK Reporter: Gas bubbling up like ‘small underwater geysers’ around giant Louisiana sinkhole; Widespread methane leakage — General: Big environmental groups ignoring disaster

Gov’t: Contaminants in giant sinkhole could spread to freshwater swampland — Benzene is entering groundwater — Damage to ‘Louisiana Coastal Zone’

BBC: “Huge buildup” of radioactive groundwater at Fukushima plant — Expert concerned “contamination has spread to all sorts of places” (VIDEO)

Tepco Press Conference: The situation at Fukushima is bleak — “This discharge is beyond our control” (VIDEO)

Asahi: Radioactive contamination ‘soaring’ in Fukushima groundwater — Strontium and other beta emitters up 4,500% in recent days; Cesium rises nearly 1,500% — Tepco says it doesn’t know why levels spiked (VIDEO)

US Tells Citizens in Yemen to Leave Immediately

Jobs Reports: U.S. Turning Into a Part-time Worker Economy

Which means lower incomes, which means more government dependence, and that is exactly what the tyrants want

AZ Gov: “How Many Times Do People Have To Say, ‘Secure Our Borders, And Be Rebuffed?”

Obama Making His Own Laws – Again


Monday, August 5, 2013

New Study Confirms Gingko Biloba Aids Stroke Recovery

Second-Largest Dutch City Bans Monsanto’s Roundup Herbicide

70 killed in torrential rains, floods across country

Why Another Great Real Estate Crash Is Coming

Why Another Great Real Estate Crash Is Com...

40 Percent Of U.S. Workers Make Less Than What A Full-Time Minimum Wage Worker Made In 1968

If You Think The Employment Numbers Are Good, Then You Really Need To Read This Article

The Public-Private Surveillance Partnership

 Wake up!!!

License plate readers make an impact in Georgia

Meet Paulo Machado, the man who has lived in hospital for 45 years

Very touching and heart warming

GOP on ObamaCare: 10 Million American Workers Face Reduced Hour

Kyodo: ‘Radiation crisis’ at Fukushima plant — Toxic water entering sea for years — “Tainting ocean and marine life”

Federal Snoops Activate Smartphone Microphones and Laptop Cameras

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Lawsuit: SWAT Officers Dragged 10-Year-Old from Bathtub, Made Him Stand Naked Next to 4-Year-Old Sister, Terrorized Family

Online Search for Pressure Cooker Sparks Police Visit

Survival Food Company Urgently Contacted By FEMA – Is a War Or Disaster Looming?

Russian Warships Dock in Cuba on 'Friendly Visit'

TERROR THREAT Forces Closure of EMBASSIES around the World. HIDDEN AGENDA? Possible FALSE FLAG?

Batman movie theater event in Colorado, Sandy Hook event, Boston Marathon event--staged events do happen, and right now, with so much government corruption taking place, they need some form of an event to try and divert attention. Be smart and watch carefully. ...

Cause of Widespread Stomach Bug Difficult to Find

House Bans IRS From Carrying Out Obamacare

 Time for everyone to make a stand against tyranny--this affordable care act is tyranny! Good for the Republicans for making a stand. Now it's tome for everyone else to do the same.

Sen. Sessions: Senate Immigration Bill Will Increase Unemployment

Common sense

Freedom of the Press…Unless It’s an ‘Anti-Obama’ Column

House Subpoenas Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew for IRS Documents

FBI Can Remotely Activate Microphones in Android Smartphones

CDC Report: L.A., Chicago Rank 1 and 2 for Gun Murders

U.S. Army Awards Contracts to Al-Qaeda Members

Sen. Ted Cruz: Millions Must Join Together to Stop Obamacare

Evidently, Global Warming is to Blame for Rise in Violence and Wars

I would laugh at this, but seriously, it's not even worth laughing at

Benghazi: Just Another ‘Phony’ Scandal from a ‘Transparent’ Administration

BREAKING: Obama Dispersing Benghazi Survivors Around US and Changing their Names


Unexplained, conflicting US global terror warnings now extend to American homeland

Myanmar floods leave 33,000 in camps, three dead

70% of Nebraska now in considerable drought

Friday, August 2, 2013

Egypt’s military strongman Gen. El-Sisi will run for president

Obamacare Full Frontal: Of 953,000 Jobs Created In 2013, 77%, Or 731,000 Are Part-Time

Newspaper: Giant Louisiana sinkhole now over 20 times larger than last year — It’s “taken on a volcano-like quality”

Businessweek: U.S. plutonium facility “might blow up, or, as they like to call it, experience a ‘criticality event’” — “450 billion gallons of industrial and radiological contaminants dumped directly into soil” — Threatens water supplies for millions across Pacific Northwest #Hanford

Radio: Fukushima disaster “shockingly not stopping – even the emergency is not over” — Much more radioactive water could wind up in the oceans (AUDIO)

Ireland entering state of “absolute drought” as temperatures soar

10 Reasons Why Obamacare Is Going to Ruin Your Medical Care… and Your Life

Landslides, flooding kill 10 in eastern Indonesia

S.Africa unemployment nears 26%

Unemployment rates up in 90 percent of U.S. cities

White House 'extremely disappointed' in Russia for granting Snowden asylum

Sounds to me a lot of pouting and whining is going on by the tyrants because Snowden wasn't put back into their little play pen to bully and harm.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Federal Government Demands Internet Passwords

Gee, wonder why? Total control and power over innocent citizens...oops, what am I thinking, I'm supposed to be a brain dead person accepting the poison fed to me without question, sorry. After all, anyone who thinks for themselves and seeks truth is considered the enemy while the real enemies are accepted as heroes (hilary clinton is receiving an award for defending america--while our troops returning home from war are marked as domestic terrorist).

Christians Attacked in Egypt by Muslim Brotherhood Supporters

Matthew Ch 24

The Pentagon's Secret Wars: You Don't Have the Right to Know

Massive solar flare narrowly misses Earth, EMP disaster barely avoided

 Luke Ch 21

Richmond Threatens Eminent Domain To Address Foreclosure Crisis

Snowden leaves airport after Russians grant asylum, criticizes Obama administration

Some good news--let's all wish Snowden well for his courageous efforts.

Inside the Ring: Russia boosts Cuba ties

Kansas meatpacker recalls 50,100 pounds of ground beef

DARPA to Genetically Engineer Humans by Adding a 47th Chromosome


The Coming Revolution And Economic Collapse: DHS Is Now Building It’s Very Own “Pentagon” While More Than 101 Million People Are Getting Government Food Assistance… The End of This Financial Bubble Is Approaching!

Drought accelerates use of drugs to beef up cattle

Put away that cellphone: Israeli study highlights cancer risk

Thank you Israel!

Want To Know How Many Jets Are Above You?

Why Investors in China Love Detroit's Bankruptcy

Is Nullification Gaining Mainstream Momentum?

Illinois’ Cook County Begins Gun Confiscation

Mark Levin Urges Patriots to Call a ‘We the People’ Convention to Stop Obama

All we have to do is make a stand for GOD'S HOLY WORD and stand firm.

Hillary Clinton to Be Honored With American Patriot Award for ‘Defending Our Nation’

Defending our nation? You mean destroying our nation. And what about our soldiers? No mention of them even on the news, but let the tyrant clinton break a nail and it's all over the news.  Honor the wicked but condemn the righteous--this is how the world has become (Matthew Ch 24)

Terrifying! Obama Regime Unveils Behavior Modification Program to ‘Nudge’ Americans

Jihadist Group: We Started Arizona Wildfires

US General Opposes Obama’s Radical, Globalist United Nations Ambassador Nominee

DESPICABLE: Obama Sends More Armored Vehicles To Hezbollah, Despite Listing It As Terrorist Organization

Because this traitor is a tyrant

Obama Ignores Congress – Sends $500 Million Of Taxpayer Money To Hamas

One tyrant supporting another---YAHWEH will judge them with HIS HOLY WRATH!!!

DOJ Uses Federal Power To Force School To Allow Girl To Use Boys’ Restroom


1,122 Record Cold Temps in the U.S. in one week

Report: Landfill fire moved beyond equipment meant to stop its advance toward nuclear waste… Essentially ‘fire line’ is breached — St. Louis Official: Something must be done, but there’s nothing we can do — Asst. Fire Chief: “Words can’t explain how important it is” to have a good plan (VIDEO)

Asahi: Grave situation as highly radioactive ‘mystery steam’ and water are released into ground, sea, and air from Fukushima plant — Tepco’s entire focus should be to prevent contamination from escaping — “Appallingly shoddy handling… Glaring ineptitude”

Water in ground could start coming to surface at Fukushima plant — Continuing to rise rapidly — Caused by Tepco’s recent changes to site?

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