Tuesday, December 31, 2013

And The Country Posing The Greatest Threat to Peace as 2013 Ends is the United States


Gundersen: U.S. Navy sailors suffered horrific radiation exposures off Fukushima coast — Massive government cover-up going on for many years (VIDEOS)


9 quakes hit same area near Fukushima border in past few hours — New island along ‘Ring of Fire’ south of Tokyo now over 15 times initial size in a month — Professor: “Massive volcanic eruption… We should pay close attention” (VIDEOS)


Gizmodo Report Claims: “Fukushima could be in the middle of another meltdown” — A ‘troubling’ update from the 300th most popular website in U.S.


Come Spirit of God - Bo Ruach Elohim - Adonai


How Will The Economy Improve In 2014 If Almost Everyone Has Less Money To Spend?


Shimcha Kadosh


Yisrael Beytenu seeks to disband Israel’s religious councils New bill would shift responsibility for all religious services from exclusively Orthodox bodies to elected local government


Pot Shops Open in Denver as Colorado Projects $578 Million in Sales (welcome to the new america)


North Dakota town mostly evacuated after fiery oil train crash


Monday, December 30, 2013

Soft Killing The American People Using Toxic Food, Toxic Water And Toxic Vaccines


Is America About To Reach A Breaking Point? Anger Grows As Unemployment Benefits Get Cut


Dean: Individual Mandate ‘Not Necessary’


Lead Researcher: Fukushima pollution may be causing sea star epidemic on West Coast — Sea urchins, sea cucumbers also affected — “Something’s making them susceptible”… “It’s unlike anything we’ve seen”… “Populations go locally extinct overnight, literally”


Booze, Pole Dancing, and Luxurious Hotels: Top 10 Examples of Government Waste in 2013


School official urging armed teachers faces recall (recalled for creating a sensible idea)


Gazan rocket fired at Sha'ar HaNegev Regional Council; none hurt


Going Under: Over One Million Lose Unemployment Benefits – Will Hit Five Million By End of 2014

Mac Slavo December 30, 2013 Earlier this year government benefits for nutritional assistance were reduced after the expiration of emergency legislation that was enacted following the 2008 financial collapse. Image: US Dollars (Wikimedia Commons). Nearly all of the 48 million people receiving food stamp distributions were affected. The move led to warnings from food pantries and recipients around the country who said that the $40 billion in cuts would leave many American families without the ability to put food on dinner tables across America. According to Feed America, the roughly $29 per family that would no...

Volgograd Bombings Follow Saudi Threat to Attack Russia

Paul Joseph Watson December 30, 2013 Twin blasts targeting a train station and a trolley bus in the city of Volgograd which killed at least 31 people follow a threat by Saudi Arabia to attack Russia using Chechen terrorists if Moscow did not withdraw its support for President Assad in Syria. The first attack took place at Volgograd-1 station on Sunday morning, killing 17 people. CCTV footage shows an orange blast behind the main doors of the station, smashing windows and sending debris out into the street. The prime suspect is a female suicide bomber. The second attack occurred near a busy market in Volgograd’s Dzerzhinsky district. A bus packed with people on their morning commute was ripped apart by a suicide bomber, killing 14. Although no group has claimed responsibility for...

Ordinance Challenged for Targeting Pro-lifers (murder an innocent unborn baby and it's okay--try to prevent it and the cops go after you. This is the new sinful america)

http://minutemennews.com/2013/12/ordinance-challenged-targeting-pro-lifers/ murder an innocent unborn baby and it's okay--try to prevent it and the cops go after you. this is the new sickening amer...

nobama’s ‘Dream Act’ Brings A Surge Of Illegal Immigration (welcome to the new america)


Tarnished 'Golden Age': World Braces for Retirement Crisis (you better believe corrupt politicians will have their retirement)


Saudis Challenge Hezbollah Lebanon Dominance; Offers Army $3B


Pot, Guns and Paparazzi: New Laws Run Gamut in US


Nevada County Church Ordered To Remove “Support Our Troops” Sign (welcome to the new america)


nobama’s federal government funded hardcore porn project (filth and trash)


State Dept. whistleblower has email hacked, deleted


Gay couple to marry on Rose Parade float (TORAH VIOLATION!)


Newspaper: Unprecedented declines in Alaska king salmon… related to impact from Fukushima? No comment, says NOAA biologist — Record low numbers seen in major fishery on Canada’s west coast, “alarming decrease”


UN Official ‘Astounded’: Homeless are taken to work in Fukushima, ready to die — Pastor: “At end of month, they’re left with no pay” — Police: They end up in debt to employers after food and housing fees deducted (VIDEO)


Second bomb in 2 days hits Russian city, 14 dead (Days of Noe)


Heavy gunfire in DR Congo signal possible coup


Ya'alon: EU boycott preferable to rockets on Ben-Gurion Airport


Sunday, December 29, 2013

Poison Is Sold All Over The Store: Special Report


Social workers take children from families who overfeed them


Israel warns against new Iranian centrifuges ahead of new Geneva talks


Gundersen: Nuclear fuel has been moved by groundwater at Fukushima Daiichi — It’s time to walk away from plant for next 100 years once there’s an underground sarcophagus — Much more difficult to contain than Chernobyl (VIDEO)


Establishment Terrified Tea Party Won't Back Unnecessary Wars


Miracles Continue to Confound and Delight


White House furious with Netanyahu over Jordan Valley vote (YAHWEH will destroy all the enemies of Israel!!!)


Palestinians throw stones at buses in Jerusalem, 2 lightly injured


Boy Scouts Open Ranks to Gay Youth on Jan. 1 (TORAH VIOLATION)


Hundreds of teens trash mall in wild flash mob (Days of Noe)


Post-Fukushima Report: Concern over Plutonium and Uranium being deposited and re-concentrating far away — Isotopes transfer to land via sea spray, aerosols, flooding — Human exposure by inhalation, food, contact


Steam coming from Fukushima Unit 3 reactor building — Observed multiple times this week


Explosion at Russian station kills at least 18, injures 40


Ya’alon: We won’t tolerate rocket fire in north Israel ‘views the Lebanese government as responsible’ for Sunday’s Katyusha missile attacks on Galilee, retaliates with artillery fire


Saturday, December 28, 2013

Plans Shaping up for 100-foot Jesus Statue in Muslim-Dominated Nazareth


Target Confirms Encrypted PINs Were Stolen in Recent Breach


Poll: Almost 70 Percent of Americans View Economy as Weak


High Stakes for Families Losing Jobless Benefits: 'We Could End Up Homeless'


Israel braces for new bout of stormy weather


BREAKING NEWS: Michigan nullifies NDAA’s indefinite detention


States retaliate against nobemacare website developers, halt payments


NSA Ruling: Judge’s Decision Counter-Punches Constitution

David Knight December 28, 2013 The startling thing about Judge Pauley’s opinion is that it reads like an NSA press release or a Tom Clancy script. It begins: “The September 11th terrorist attacks revealed, in the starkest terms, just how dangerous and interconnected the world is. While Americans depended on technology for the conveniences of modernity, al-Qaeda plotted in a seventh-century milieu to use that technology against us. It was a bold jujitsu…The bulk telephony metadata collection program represents the Government’s counter-punch…” Leaving aside the absurdity that cave-dwelling terrorists operating in a “seventh-century milieu” were able to pull off a highly coordinated and sophisticated attack — even if the government’s narrative could pass the sniff test – it is...

US prepares to pay Netanyahu back for Iran campaign, using Palestinian issue as bludgeon (stand strong in YAWHEH Israel for HE alone will destroy your enemies!)


Friday, December 27, 2013

Unreturned library books can mean jail time


U.S. Will Spend $3.35M to 'Improve the Quality of Media Content'--In Armenia

http://cnsnews.com/news/article/barbara-hollingsworth/us-will-spend-335m-improve-quality-media-content-armenia Yet The Most Homeless Children In New York City Since The Great Depression  http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/archives/the-most-homeless-children-in-new-york-city-since-the-great-depression...

South Carolina Set to Block Implementation of nobemacare


Spellings: School Accountability Exemptions Hurt Student Performance


James Rickards: US 'Heading for Another Recession Soon'


Iran nuclear chief: Islamic Republic developing new centrifuges


Portuguese plumbers discover ancient mikvas


Over 170,000 without power in US Midwest, Northeast and Canada


Netanyahu: Hamas responsible for recent attacks on Israel


Non-settlement Israeli fruit exporter faces boycott pressure in Europe (Israel, just leep your delcious fruit for yoursleves and don't worry about selling to the goyim)


EU warns Israel of backlash for settlement building (YESHAU HIMSELF will deal with the corrupt eu and that's a fact!)

http://www.timesofisrael.com/eu-warns-israel-of-backlash-for-settlement-building/ Zechariah Ch...

Lebanese politician among at least 5 dead in Beirut bombing


nobama pressuring Israel to withdraw from strategically vital Jordan Valley


Teens In The UK Are Calling It: Facebook Is Dead And Buried (about time--sadly, something just as bad will come along)


100 Years Ago: Why Bankers Created the Fed

Christopher Westley December 26, 2013 The Democratic Party gained prominence in the first half of the nineteenth century as being the party that opposed the Second Bank of the United States. In the process, it tapped into an anti-state sentiment that proved so strong that we wouldn’t see another like it until the next century. Its adversaries were Whig politicians who defended the bank and its ability to grow the government and their own personal fortunes at the same time. They were, in fact, quite open about these arrangements. It was considered standard-operating procedure for Whig representatives to receive monetary compensation for their support of the Bank when leaving Congress. The Whig Daniel Webster even expected annual payments while in Congress. Once he...

It’s A Wonderful Life Report Censored – Again

Infowars.com December 26, 2013 YouTube continues to remove our review of It’s A Wonderful Life by hand while the full version of the film remains on its site UPDATE 2: In an act of political suppression, the latest mirror of our powerful report on It’s A Wonderful Life has been taken down by Youtube and the video sharing site is systematically removing uploads of our report by hand. This is all the more evident considering that the full version of It’s A Wonderful Life has been available on YouTube for almost two years. If automated “bots” were taking down our report due to bogus copyright claims, they would have removed the full version long ago under a more legitimate claim. This is purposeful censorship of our report. Our video report is being suppressed because the banks do...

Agent: FBI key in border agent Terry slaying


Albert Einstein: “A Foolish Faith In Authority Is The Worst Enemy Of The Truth”

Washington’s Blog December 26, 2013 Albert Einstein said: A foolish faith in authority is the worst enemy of the truth. Image: Albert Einstein (Wikimedia Commons). Indeed, scientists have shown that people will go to absurd lengths - and engage in mental gymnastics – in order to cling to their belief in what those in authority have said. Part of the reason so many are so vulnerable to naive belief in authority is that we evolved in small tribes … and we assume that the super-elites are just like us. In reality, there are millions of psychopaths in the world … and they are largely running D.C....

New Bomber Can Nuke US Military Bases, Brags Chinese State Media

Paul Joseph Watson December 26, 2013 Chinese state media is once again bragging about Beijing’s military prowess, touting the fact that China’s new H-6K strategic bomber can attack U.S. military bases in South Korea as well as the Japanese mainland using long range nuclear cruise missiles. Image: H-6K strategic bomber (YouTube). The report features on the prominent pro-Communist Party news website Want China Times. “With a range of between 1,500 and 2,000 kilometers, the CJ-10 meets the requirements of the PLA Air Force to possess the capability to launch strategic missile attacks against US military facilities and those of...

John Fund: Feds Violate Hacking Disclosure Laws on ACA Site


Utah to Ask Supreme Court to Block Gay Marriage Order


Poll: Most Believe Govt Corruption is Worse Under nobema (agree)


Be prepared: Wall Street advisor recommends guns, ammo for protection in collapse


Fight between sisters over apple fritters ends in stabbing


More Doctors Prescribing Antipsychotics to Kids for Off-Label Uses


Under “Democracy,” Iraqi Christians Face Potential Extinction


Thursday, December 26, 2013

The Stock Market Has Officially Entered Crazytown Territory


Calif. schools prepare for new transgender student law amid uncertainty of possible repeal (TORAH VIOLATION!!!)


Sixty hurt in Argentina piranha attack


Swiss Banks Are Now Agents for the IRS


Georgia Lawmakers Announce Bill Nullifying ObamaCare (One more reason why Georgia is the great Peach State!!!))


Citizens take law into own hands after cash-strapped Ore. county guts sheriff's office


Woman beaten over way she parked car in Lake Mary


‘IDF killed 2 terrorists, thwarted bombing on Gaza border’ Attack that killed Israeli worker Tuesday said to have been part of a more sophisticated plan to target an army patrol


Gazan in Israel on medical permit nabbed for planning attack


Five Iron Dome batteries now deployed in southern Israel


Russian Experts: Fukushima pollution spreads all over Earth, clearly a large amount of fish, seaweeds, and everything in ocean has been polluted — These products are the main danger for mankind as they can end up being eaten by people on a massive scale


Poll: Americans Say 113th Congress is Worst Ever (tyrants)


11 Powerful Foods That Fight Aging


Glitchy State-Run nobamacare Sites Hitting 'Hurdle After Hurdle' (tyrant)


New Taxes Set to Kick In Under nobamacare (tyrant)


‘Forgotten children’ remembered at historic MA cemetery


New Palestinian terror weapon: the Austrian Steyr-50 assassin’s rifle from Hizballah


IDF deploys Iron Dome over Ashdod, Ashkelon, Beersheba and Sderot


Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Iranians draft bill to up enrichment to 60 percent (tyrants)


IDF commander: We know an attack from Gaza will involve multiple threats


Ya’alon: Israel geared for Gaza escalation, review of prisoner release


Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood branded a terrorist organization


Newborn dies 70 min after vaccine injections

http://english.sina.com/china/2013/1223/657721.html  ...

Has A&E Awakened a Sleeping Giant?


Thousands remain without power across US, Canada


Local courts reviving 'debtors' prison' for overdue fines, fees


Looters Repeatedly Ransack Home With Dead Stockton Senior Inside


Rev. Jackson: Phil Robertson 'More Offensive' Than Rosa Parks Bus Driver (this tyrant is no reverend)


Official: Expect airborne radiation releases from Fukushima to increase — Seafood catches off U.S. Pacific coast more likely to be contaminated than ones far closer to Japan — ‘Gravest danger’ to public is if they eat these products


Fukushima Mother: ‘Strange smell’ at start of nuclear disaster — Health of entire family has deteriorated — More people who stayed have died, more kids have leukemia and cancer — All our thyroid exams turned out totally different when tested in Tokyo (VIDEO)


TV: Fukushima fish making it to stores, loads brought into port daily — Experts: Very, very high cesium levels in sediments; Most fish in area are radiated — Lab: We’ve never found radiation, it’s safe — Tepco: It’s pretty much under control, fences keep pollution out of ocean (VIDEO)


Kerry’s revisions for US troops on Jordan Valley border, Gaza-Hebron express train link (don't agree Israel at any cost. Trust YAHWEH always!!!)


Code Red rocket alert sounds in Hof Ashkelon


Yaakov Shwekey - Im Eshkachech Yerushalayim


Mama Rochel


My love Israel


A prayer for the I.D.F soldiers


Hatikva-The National Anthem of Israel


Hu Yivarech - A Song for the IDF Soldiers - by DOV


The Yeshiva Boys Choir - "Daddy Come Home"


Police chief: Rise in terror anticipated after peace talks resumed


Businessweek: US Is 'World Capital of Credit Card Fraud'


Jim Rogers: Fed's Tapering Tactics Will End in Financial 'Disaster'


Target Hackers Stole Encrypted Bank PINs


Shots fired from car at IDF patrol in West Bank Police officer run over at improvised checkpoint; man injured by stones thrown at Israeli bus


‘We were in a craze to see blood’ Court releases testimonies of Palestinians who were involved in the brutal Ramallah lynching of two IDF soldiers in 2000 (demonic palestinians)


Why is this occupation different from all other occupations? The EU insists that Turks in Cyprus and Moroccans in Western Sahara ‘cannot be compared’ to Israelis in the West Bank (the eu is full of hypocrites)


Palestinian group claims responsibility for shooting death of Israeli near Gaza border (YESHUA HIMSELF will destroy the enemies of Israel and that is a fact!)


Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Somewhere Over the Rainbow by Israel Kamakawiwo'Ole


Israeli man lightly injured from rocks hurled at a bus near Kalkilya


Frankincense Superior to Chemotherapy in Killing Late-Stage Ovarian Cancer Cells


Big Food Companies Push to Label Genetically Modified Products as “Natural”


Smart Grid Technology, Now Spreading Across U.S., Will Raise Energy Prices to Reduce Demand (welcome to the police state)


Thyroid Cancers Surge Among Fukushima Youths

Zero Hedge December 24, 2013 It seems US sailors aren’t the only ones who three short years after the Fukushima disaster are being stricken by cancers and other radiation-induced diseases. A radioactive hotspot detected in Kashiwa city was found to be linked to Fukushima. For once, the media blackout surrounding the Japanese nuclear power plant tragedy appears to have crumbled, and at least a portion of the truth has been revealed. Hong Kong’s SCMP reports that fifty-nine young people in Fukushima prefecture have been diagnosed with or are suspected of having thyroid cancer. Notably, all of newly diagnosed were younger than 18 at the...

Push of a Button: This Is How Fast They Can Lock Down the Entire Banking System

Mac Slavo December 24, 2013 Late last week it was learned that some 40 million charge cards were obtained using physical processing systems located in Target retail locations nationwide. Shoppers found that their credit limit was restricted while shopping at Target. Credit: zooboing via Flickr Though no details of the how the hack attack was executed have been released by Target, the FBI or other agencies investigating the breach, it is likely that the processing machines themselves were compromised. Target claims that the hack was sophisticated, but on the technical side, once hackers found a way into the credit card processing...

Georgia High Schoolers Can't Sing Religious Carols at VA Hospital


Disney May Have Dropped Christian Poem for Religious Reasons (disney is filth to begin with)


US Army to Soldiers: Don't Say 'Christmas'


Sister jailed for flinging peanut butter in argument over dog (I guess real criminals aren't worth going after)


Virus Kills Over 1,000 Bottlenose Dolphins Along East Coast


Netanyahu on Gaza border shooting: We will respond forcefully


Gov't Pays $1,123,463 to Develop Strawberry Harvest-Aiding Robots (but cities across america are making it illegal to feed the homeless)


Dept. of Education Spent $20.3 Million on 10 Equity Centers To Fight the ‘Isms’ (but cities across america are making it illegal to feed the homeless)


$4.5M Fed Study: 'Effects of Climate Change on Indoor Air (but cities across america are making it illegal to feed the homeless)


Army May Have Overpaid $3.3M for Communications Devices for Afghan Military, DOD IG Reports (but cities across america are making it illegal to feed the homeless)


NSF Spends $82,525 to Study Self-Defense by Millipedes (yet cities around america are making it illgal to feed the homeless)


Nigeria says 70 killed in battle with Islamist group


"I Think The American People Want Security Over Freedom"

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." ~ Benjamin Franklin ...

IRS Contractors Owe $589 Million in Back Taxes


Online Black Market Admin: Feds Stole $33.6 in Bitcoins

Kurt Nimmo December 23, 2013 More than peer-to-peer networking, the government hates the idea of hidden and anonymous internet services, and more so, loathes the prospect of an online black market where taxes cannot be coerced at gunpoint.  Reason247 @reason247 Follow Ross Ulbricht Claims Government Stole Millions of Dollars Worth of Bitcoin - http://bit.ly/1a3sF9W It’s obvious the feds shut down Silk Road and threw its progenitor, Ross Ulbricht, into solitary confinement in order to send a message to other “pirates” who refuse to play by government and corporate rules. But the government’s not finished. Add insult to injury. It has stolen $33.6 million from Ulbricht, according to papers filed in a federal court in Manhattan....

Wal-Mart “Robo-Doctor” Kiosk Promotes Obamacare (boycott wal-mart)

  Kit Daniels December 23, 2013 Thousands of self-service “robo-doctor” kiosks are currently being installed inside Wal-Marts across America which collect personal information and promote Obamacare through a health screening loaded with advertisements. The SoloHealth Station asks users personal health questions and for their contact information which is then forwarded to a local Obamacare navigator. Users are prompted for their date of birth, the number of vegetables they eat in a day and to describe how often their families use social media, amongst other things. During the health screening, the machine displays advertisements targeted at the user based on the answers provided. “Users enter their age, gender and ethnicity and during the screening process they are asked...

Netanyahu: Spying ‘unacceptable’ between friends


US plan said to include dismantling all Jordan Valley settlements


Kenyon and Indiana U. quit ASA over Israel boycott


Egypt: At least 14 killed, 130 people wounded in explosion


Monday, December 23, 2013

Japan supplies ammunition to South Korea troops in South Sudan


Just THREE kids in Camden, N.J. scored college-ready


NYPD's Kelly: Stop-and-Frisk 'Can Never Be Eliminated'


On The 100th Anniversary Of The Federal Reserve Here Are 100 Reasons To Shut It Down Forever


New armored tank for town police sparks fear, war of words

Joe Saunders December 23, 2013 A war of words has broken out over police force in California getting a new armored vehicle built more for a state of war than patrolling in the Golden State. The Salinas Police Department recently issued a news release proudly announcing the arrival of the armored truck built to survive minefield explosions, which it got compliments of federal taxpayers as part of a program to convert military equipment to law-enforcement use. Critics took to the police department’s Facebook page to ask exactly why a city of 150,000 on the northern California coast really needs a vehicle designed...

Unruly Crowd Causes Commotion At Salvation Army Toy Distribution


Suspects Still On The Run After UPS Driver Robbed At Gunpoint


Feds see surge in children crossing US border amid concerns over immigration policy


Previously unpublished 2012 map of Fukushima plume from gov’t scientists: Shows Alaska coast already being impacted — “Radioactivity will almost entirely shift to eastern Pacific” — Rhodes Scholar: No one can imagine what effects radiation flowing into ocean will have on sea life, ‘other things’ (VIDEO


Palestinian knifing injures Jerusalem policeman (Pray for the Policeman)


Not just the NSA: US spies rent a Jerusalem hotel suite to watch a secret Israeli site


Syria’s ‘destroyed’ ancient synagogue is still intact


Security forces search for perpetrator of Bat Yam bus bombing


Suspected stabbing attack thwarted near Jerusalem


Rocket from Gaza falls near children’s bus stop


Fighting spreads in South Sudan as fears grow of civil war


Canada high court strikes down all restrictions on prostitution (TORAH VIOLATION)


Car blast moderately injures 2 in Rehovot


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