Friday, February 28, 2014



Walter Williams: Mississippi man declared dead wakes up in body bag at Porter and Sons Funeral Home

Connecticut Gun Confrontation Brewing Over Registration (never give up your right to bear arms or fall victim to tyranny

Seven Egyptian Christians Executed in Benghazi, Libya (Matthew Ch 24)

Ten Russian military helicopters fly into Crimea

Russian marines, paratroops seize Crimean airports. Moscow’s creeping invasion continues

Egypt to Hamas: Smuggling tunnels will be shut entirely Amid campaign to create Gaza-Sinai buffer zone, Cairo tells Islamist group that it will be held responsible for border trouble

Ukraine Reform shul defaced by anti-Semitic graffiti Jewish leaders maintain threats against their communities are marginal, but congregations are taking increased security precautions

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Hagel to Russia: Don’t take action that may be misinterpreted

Kerry Tries to Placate Russia Over Ukraine: ‘This is Not Rocky IV’ (kerry is the last person anyone should listen to)

Planned Parenthood Produces Video Promoting Bondage and Sadomasochism to Teens

Russian fighter jets placed on alert on Ukraine borders

Pro-Moscow coup in Crimea. Russian fighter jets on W. border on combat alert. Kiev deploys security forces

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Yes, There Are Paid Government Trolls On Social Media, Blogs, Forums And Websites

31 Percent Of All Food In America Is Wasted – And Why That Is About To End

Expert: Gov’t officials ‘very possibly’ know Fukushima is a worldwide disaster and just not revealing it — Columnist: “They can’t neglect the truth because they fear a panic outbreak… I’m panicking because there isn’t a panic” (AUDIO)

Russian military drill may be lead-in to Crimea occupation and Ukraine split

A Legacy of Violations of the U.S. Bill of Rights, Hyperlinked

Twisting Children’s Minds with School Textbooks

WH Celebrates 4 Million Enrollees in Program That Forces Everyone to Join (welcome to nazi america...uh, I mean...america)

Inside the FCC’s Attempted Power Grab: ‘Putting on Hold’ is NOT ‘Eliminating’

Rand Paul: nobama’s Surgeon General Pick Will Use Position to Attack Second Amendment

Creepy Disney Video Shows Ladybug Drone Spying on Kids (disney is filth--keep your children away at all cost)

36,000 Rounds of Ammo, 9500 Pounds of Pot Seized in 3 Days -- Just in Rio Grande Valley

Black Pastors: Impeach Holder (agree)

Black Pastor: nobama ‘Has Done More to Hurt the American People Than Any Other President’ (agree)

In Mississippi, 72% of the Babies Aborted Are Black (ABORTION IS MURDER!)

Pat Buchanan: Arizona's Brewer Should, Will Sign Anti-Gay Bill (YAHWEH will destroy those who do not belong to HIM!)

Will Codex and the Drug Companies Raid the Spice Rack to Steal Your Eyesight?

Turmeric's Heart-Saving Properties Confirmed In New Diabetes Study

Cutting Salt May Increase Your Risk of Fatal Heart Disease

Roundup Weedkiller Linked To Global Epidemic of Fatal Kidney Disease

Russia warns Saudis against giving Syrian rebels missile launchers

Putin orders combat-readiness test of armed forces

Thousands across Turkey call for Erdogan’s ouster Protesters take to the streets in 11 cities after recordings surface, purportedly of Turkish PM discussing how to hide money

Knesset Temple Mount debate raises hackles in Arab world (When the time is right YAHWEH will give back the Temple Mount to HIS Chosen Jewish people!)

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

IRS Warns: nobamacare Tax Must Be Paid with Tax Return (welcome to the new america)

Officials: Nuclear release from container(s) indicated at #WIPP site — “We never, ever thought this kind of an event would occur” — “Absolute seriousness of this can’t be overstated” — Resident: “I feel like they’re not telling us everything” (VIDEO)

Kyodo: Alarm sounds at Fukushima plant, Unit 4 cooling system stops (VIDEO)

Dem Senate Candidate from Texas Says nobama ‘Must Go' (agree completely)

In Venezuela, Anti-Tyranny Uprising and Death Toll Grow

Russian Troops Take Up Positions In Sevastopol As Ukraine Teeters On The Brink Of Civil War

Soldier flagrantly avoids flag salute, sets off online outrage

Egypt’s housing minister to form new government

UN Plotting to “Dramatically Alter” Your Views and Behavior (not on the watch of YAHWEH'S children!)

Russia questions Ukrainian government’s legitimacy

Israel urged to send forces to guard Ukrainian Jews Rabbi asks Netanyahu for urgent protection against a ‘growing wave of anti-Semitic attacks’

3,300-year-old silver earrings found at biblical site

Russia steps up Ukraine rhetoric

Feds Spend $356,337 on ‘Simulation Facility’ to Study How People Cross the Road (while people are out of work)

Monday, February 24, 2014

Police pelted with stones and firecrackers in Temple Mount clash (The Temple Mount belongs to the Jewish people and that is a fact!)

Asteroid strike on moon creates largest impact ever recorded

Hamas cell planned bomb attack on major J’lem-TA road 15 suspects, all from the same village near highway 443, arrested on charges ranging from stone-throwing to plotting a roadside bombing

Sex And The Public Schools (when I was a kid you had to sneak around just to hold hands)

What Is Happening In Ukraine Is Far More Important Than Most People Realize

pope Francis (person of pure evil) And The Emerging One World Religion

Ohio National Guard Drill Cast Gun-rights Activists as Terrorists

Official: “4,400,000 disintegrations of alpha radiation” including Plutonium detected at leaking U.S. nuclear site; “Highest recorded level” — Santa Fe Briefing: “Serious incident involving radiation at the WIPP site” — Gov’t “reaching out to employees who are worried” about exposure

Experts: Areas along West Coast “may be… affected in a significant way” by Fukushima plume in coming months — Impact cannot be accurately predicted, currents to produce complex results — Radioactive materials can be ‘fairly concentrated’ even after crossing Pacific

Nuclear Professor: Fish on West Coast found with Fukushima radioactive material — We’re testing fish that are sold at markets to U.S. consumers (AUDIO)

Tokyo Press Conference: “Deliberate cover-up” of public’s exposure to Fukushima radiation and the health problems they are suffering from… This is now Japan’s biggest problem — “Continual, purposeful concealment of facts” — “Media will not properly report” what’s going on (VIDEO)

Gov’t: ‘Very serious problem’ at Fukushima; Safety system ‘failed’ — Expert: 12 Trillion Bq of Strontium-90 leaked, could exceed 1/8 of total release since 3/11 — CNN: It’s absorbing into ground — Tepco: “You may feel we didn’t do enough”

nobama to Propose Shrinking Military to ‘Pre-World War II Level’

Ukraine Pleas for West's Cash as Jilted Russia Lashes out

Electricity Price Index Soars to New Record at Start of 2014; U.S. Electricity Production Declining

DHS Contracted to Purchase 704 Million Rounds of Ammo Over Next 4 Years: 2,500 Rounds Per Officer

Governors to Obama: 'Don't Cut the National Guard'

DoD to Continue Using Liberal Southern Poverty Law Center as Training Resource

Moscow questions Ukraine leadership’s legitimacy for dialogue

Russian units transferred from securing the Sochi games to the Ukraine border

Volunteers brave ‘war zone’ to aid elderly Jews in Kiev

Ukraine synagogue hit by firebombs

Sunday, February 23, 2014

50 year old cartoon predicted the future 2016 (need to watch)


Saturday, February 22, 2014

Maduro: Kerry remarks give violence 'green light';_ylt=AwrBEiR94whTSEoAFzzQt...

California farmers won't get federal water

Retired Gen. Peter Pace: US Must Honor Promises to Veterans

Arizona Gov. Brewer Mulls Signing Religious Protection Act

Governors 'Not Waiting' for Dysfunctional Congress to Fix Nation's Problems

White House Fails Econ 101. Seriously.

State Senator in New York Proposes Requiring Parents To Take “Parenting Classes” From Government

Man Wearing Pro-Gun T-shirt Thrown Out of Voting Booth

Gun Production Continues to Rise

U.S. Gov’t-funded Study: West Coast and Hawaii residents are Fukushima downwinders

NHK: Failure at Fukushima — Gundersen: Extraordinarily radioactive leak will be in Pacific shortly; “Site is going to bleed into ocean for 100 years”

Nuclear Professor: Fish on West Coast found with Fukushima radioactive material — We’re testing fish that are sold at markets to U.S. consumers (AUDIO)

Tokyo Press Conference: “Deliberate cover-up” of public’s exposure to Fukushima radiation and the health problems they are suffering from… This is now Japan’s biggest problem — “Continual, purposeful concealment of facts” — “Media will not properly report” what’s going on (VIDEO)

Friday, February 21, 2014

Mom opens fire on home invaders in Detroit to defend children (don't give up your right to bear arms--the criminals aren't)

Is Ukraine Drifting Toward Civil War And Great Power Confrontation?

If You Believe That The Cold War Is Over, Just Look At What Is Happening In Ukraine

If You Believe That The Cold War Is Over, Just Look At What Is Happening In Ukra...

29 Percent Of All U.S. Adults Under The Age Of 35 Are Living With Their Parents

China Starts To Make A Power Move Against The U.S. Dollar

Snowball Thrown at Cop Leads to Felony for Boy, 13, Outrage From Residents

Chicago police develop real ‘Minority Report’ computer to predict crimes

Study: Uninsured Patients Get Better Care Than Insured

Abortions Outnumber Live Births for Blacks in NYC 31,328 abortions vs. 24,758 live births (abortion is MURDER!)

Girl Scout Does Brisk Business Selling Cookies Outside San Francisco Pot Club

The FCC Wades Into the Newsroom Why is the agency studying 'perceived station bias' and asking about coverage choices?

Social experiment: Would you give a cold child your coat? (there's still some goodness in this world)

US Gun Production Hits Record During Obama Term as Buyers Stock Up (because 'we the people'--those with good common sense--understand)

Plan to Divide California Into 6 States Advances

Republicans Will Try to Kill New Net-Neutrality Rules

DHS Contracted to Purchase 704 Million Rounds of Ammo Over Next 4 Years: 2,500 Rounds Per Officer

Ukraine Turmoil Escalates Into Foreign-backed Armed Uprising

Airborne plutonium detected outside troubled U.S. nuclear facility — Expert: ‘Radiation event’ appears to have occurred, leading to a release; “Levels are highest ever detected” around site

Plutonium release at U.S. nuclear facility: “We don’t know what happened… don’t know whether it could happen again” — “Big problem is…how much is continuing to be released?” — Officials “know very little about extent of problem or how to solve it”

TV: “Extremely high levels of radioactive substances” leaked Wednesday night at Fukushima plant — 25 trillion becquerels of Strontium-90 and other beta emitters estimated to have flowed out — “Investigation is still underway” (VIDEO)

New Analysis: Radiation levels “much greater” than anything expected from Fukushima says Navy expert — 2,500 pCi/m³ of particulate detected; Would be several times higher if gases included — CNN: Do the experts know everything that went on at Fukushima? (VIDEO)

TV: It’s a “record-high” leak at Fukushima, extraordinarily radioactive — Almost 8,000,000 times limit — Even more toxic since it was from early in disaster — Alarm went off 9 hours before, but disregarded — Now checking for other leaks — “News came as a shock” (VIDEO)

Family: Police mistake Wii remote for gun, shoot and kill ROTC student who answered door

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Drought In Brazil Has Gotten So Bad That 142 Cities Are Now Rationing Water

Does The Trail Of Dead Bankers Lead Somewhere?

Tehran: Washington Has 'Surrendered' on Nuclear Enrichment

Justice Group Warns of Obama Plan to Put Government Monitors in Newsrooms 9

Spy Chief: We Should’ve Told You We Track Your Calls

State Legislatures Pass Bills Limiting Domestic Drone Use

$100 Billion in Improper Welfare Payments Uncovered

Australian Christian Missionary Arrested in North Korea

Police say your own your own until they arrive


Utah mom buys up all 'indecent' T-shirts at PacSun store (good for this mom--way to go!)

Regulation blizzard: Government adds 1,516 pages to the Federal Register

Israeli hospital treats 3 injured Syrians, including teen (why hasn't any other middle eastern country helped injured syrians?--Israel is a light in the darkness)

IDF uncovers powerful bomb on Gaza border

Ukraine's Deadly Day: Tug of War Leaves 25 Dead

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Lawmaker: Stop putting kids in 'scream rooms'

Venezuela Accuses U.S. of Lying, Prepares to Expel Embassy Officials

U.S. Olympic Hockey Star: True 'Heroes are Wearing Camo--That's Not Me' (finally, an athlete with integrity)

The United States of Decline

February 17, 2014 Sea Ice Update February 17 2014 – Antarctic Sea Ice Extent Still 25% above normal (global warming is a is a circus lie)

Today's Earthquakes

Knesset debate on Temple Mount raises ire in Amman Parliamentary discussion initiated by MK Feiglin calls for reconsideration of Jordanian control of holy sites on Temple Mount

Monday, February 17, 2014

Public Schools Are Preparing America’s Children For Life In A Police State

Mob of teens attack man in downtown Cleveland (Days of Noe/Lot)

A western wrinkle on eminent domain (wake up america)

Children Exposed to More Brain-Harming Chemicals Than Ever Before

Globalists Unveil Socialist-backed New World Tax Regime

15 Reasons Why Your Food Bill Is Going To Start SOARING

Former FDIC Chairman Isaac to Newsmax TV: Fed QE Is a 'Terrible Tax on Senior Citizens'

Kerry Welcomes New Lebanese Gov’t, Which Includes Hezbollah

Reports: ‘Deformed’ containment vessel cover at Fukushima Reactor 3 — Center panel of concrete cover ‘broken and sunken’ (PHOTOS & VIDEO)

Gov’t Report: Plutonium releases from Fukushima a major concern — ‘Uncertainty’ over how far molten fuel has eaten through “what remained of primary containment”

Bomb which blew up South Korean bus in Sinai was rigged to detonate in Eilat

Iran: Russia could pay for oil with second nuclear reactor

Sunday, February 16, 2014

DHS Obeys ACLU’s Order to Stop Arresting Illegal Aliens

Tom DeLay: Americans Now Live ‘Under a Government of Tyranny’ (agree)

Israel uneasy over Russian arms flooding into Syria in the north, Egypt to the south

Venezuela Protests Leave 17 Injured in Fourth Day of Unrest

Egypt: Explosion on Tourist Bus Kills at Least 4 in Sinai

Conservatives Mull New Strategy to Fight Gay Marriage After Court Setbacks (we should not even consider unholy marriages let alone try to find new strategies to fight them)

US Army Builds 'Fake City' in Virginia to Practice Military Occupation

What's interesting is that this fake city resembles a common american city and not a foreign city. If a fake city is built to train in, that city should resemble a foreign zone instead of a domestic zone. And of course the church in this fake city is being called a mosque and not a church--sickening.  Each--legal--private citizen should take personal responsibility and begin doing research. ...

US drug policy fuels push for legal pot worldwide (a world full of potheads--sure, that's what we need instead of responsible behavior)

Small quake in SC felt hundreds of miles away

UK taxi driver crushed to death in windstorm

Saturday Snow Storm To Bring Dangerous Blizzard Conditions

Two killed as more storms batter Britain

Napolitano: Impeachment Only Way to Stop nobama’s Executive Actions (agree)

Professor on PBS: “Consolidated mass” of radioactive water “moving in unison” across Pacific to West Coast — Study: Fukushima nuclear material stays “confined to a narrow band” in ocean — “Very little dispersion” (MAP & AUDIO)

Japan Physician: Parents should evacuate children from Tokyo; Danger from Fukushima radiation — “The threat has seemed to be spreading” — “I’ve seen a lot of patients badly affected”

Gov’t Test: Cattle feed at California dairy farm had 300 pCi/kg of radioactive cesium after Fukushima; 9-month gap between when sample harvested and when received by lab — New UC Berkeley study reveals over 3,500 pCi/kg of cesium deposited on nearby roadside

Huge Asteroid to Fly Safely By Earth Monday: Watch It Live

Friday, February 14, 2014

Let Your Fire Fall


ירושלים - שוואקי | Cry No More - by Shwekey


Thursday, February 13, 2014

If America Continues To Go Down The Same Path As Europe, This Is What Life Will Be Like…

20 Signs That The Global Economic Crisis Is Starting To Catch Fire

Homeland Security to Activate ‘National License Plate Recognition Database’

Missouri, Arizona Move on Measures Nullifying Fed Gun Grab

US Sailors’ Attorney: Fukushima has left an entire generation of young people crippled physically, mentally, and genetically — Nuclear radiation is threatening entire planet (AUDIO)

Gundersen: New report shows 50 tons of rubble fell in Unit 3 pool, spent fuel is ‘highly damaged’ — Equal to loaded 18-wheeler falling from sky after supersonic explosive shockwave — “Like a knights lance, [mast] fell straight into fuel” (VIDEO)

Radioactive cesium levels “never seen before” at Fukushima — New record as amount in groundwater nearly doubles in 24 hours — Officials admit ‘may be new leak’ — IAEA urges ‘resumption’ of dumping contaminated water in ocean; ‘All options’ need to be on table (VIDEO)

Map Shows Dozens of U.S. Military Ships Stationed In North Africa Waters During Benghazi Attack

Conservatives to DOJ, FBI: Stop Advancing Southern Poverty Law Center’s Anti-Christian Agenda -

Newspaper: U.S. scientists worried about Fukushima radioactive plume — Expert: West Coast our top priority, even over Japan — Alaska Hunter: “We are concerned about our health” — Senator: Testing necessary, but money ‘tight’

EU-funded Study: Over 20,000 square miles of Japan potentially contaminated from Fukushima releases — Home to 43 million people (MAP)

Llanbradach headteacher’s warning after pupils as young as six act out drug and rape scenes from Grand Theft Auto

Video Surfaces Of BART Officer Repeatedly Using Stun Gun On Passenger

Illinois Electricity Customers Forced to Get 'Smart Meters' or Pay Fine An individual mandate for electricity meters

13 Dead as Southern Ice Storm Marches North

US under fire in global press freedom report

It Doesn’t Take Much For People To Start Behaving Like Crazed Lunatics

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Iran: We’re ready for ‘decisive battle’ with Israel, US

Egypt’s el-Sissi heads to Moscow for rare visit Military leader will reportedly finalize $2 billion arms deal with Russia

Ice Expert Predicts Lake Superior Will Completely Freeze Over This Winter

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

19 Statistics About The Drugging Of America That Are Almost Too Crazy To Believe

BBC Propaganda: “Why I Want A Microchip Implant”

221 Percent Increase In One Year? Why Are So Many People Renouncing American Citizenship?

22 Facts About The Coming Demographic Tsunami That Could Destroy Our Economy All By Itself

No Janet Yellen, The Economy Is NOT “Getting Better

Tobacco-Less CVS Will Continue to Sell ‘Plan B’ Abortifacient

Supreme Court Asked to Clarify What it Means to ‘Bear’ Arms

Gov’t: Radiation levels too high in Unit 4; Coming from small pieces of Cobalt-60? Workers forced to cover floor with lead — Experts: ‘Significant loss of leaktightness’ possible in Fukushima fuel pool

Seismologist: Could easily have M6 quake below Fukushima plant with “very destructive” result — Professor: There’s no way to stabilize fuel pool against strong quake (AUDIO)

Mainstream Media Silent on Dangerous Trans-Pacific Partnership

Monday, February 10, 2014

Ted Cruz’s Father: ‘He nobama Acts No Different Than That Bearded Guy I Left Behind in Cuba’

Flu Shot Is Most Dangerous Vaccine in US

Allen West: nobama Asylum Plan is 'Threat to National Security'

Dr. Ben Carson Blasts 'Gestapo' IRS Tactics

Science Mag: Radioactive substances that wash up on beaches can enter water supply — Particles left on sand after high tide accumulate; ‘Important’ process with Fukushima releases?

Gov’t experts warn about mass of corium melting deeper than Japan, Tepco claim — Fukushima cores “could be eroded more extensively than announced” — ‘Very significant’ differences

“Fukushima radiation data is wildly wrong” — Finds groundwater close to ocean nearly 170,000 times legal limit for strontium-90 — “Fearing similar under-estimates” many more results yet to be revealed

Japan TV: “And now concerns are growing… a new source of leakage” at Fukushima; “The situation could become even more serious” — Groundwater Expert: “I doubt even experts could have imagined” this (VIDEO)

War on Drugs Claims SWAT Team Member Using No-Knock Warrant Common sense will tell anyone that if you're asleep and your door is kicked open in the middle of the night your first response is to defend you family, home and self against the intruders. If a warrant is issued law enforcement officials should announce themselves. By not doing so they are placing the lives of innocent people in danger. Example: A No-Knock Warrant is issued in a home where an elderly person resides with his grandson. Suppose the grandson is harboring drugs. Yes, legal action should be taken. However, if the swat teams arrives in the middle of the night and kicks open the door, the grandson might react and begin shooting, causing the swat team to shoot...

Gulf sources: Russian-Egyptian $2 bn arms deal in the bag

Remember When by Alan Jackson (dedicated to my wife)


My wife and I united in YESHUA our ETERNAL RISEN LORD!


Sunday, February 9, 2014

GOP Lawmaker on Latest nobamacare Revelations: 'The President Has Lied Again and Again and Again'

1,154,000 Fewer Americans Working Today Than 6 Years Ago

Top Adviser To The Chinese Government Calls For A “Global Currency” To Replace The U.S. Dollar

nobama Easing Immigration Rule for Terrorist Supporters

Militarized Police: The Standing Army the Founders Warned About

Japan Nuclear Experts: Footage shows ‘major problem’ at Fukushima Unit 1; Cesium release to continue for next 5 decades — Tepco: Even if we knew where it’s broken, how can we stop it? — “Still in the dark” about other 2 units (VIDEO

‘Netanyahu won’t back down on demand that IDF stay in Jordan Valley’ (Netanyahu needs to tell kerry to get out of Israel and stay out)

Iranian TV airs simulated bombing of Tel Aviv, US aircraft carrier

Change is brewing among American Christians (TORAH VIOLATION!!!)

US general: Another China air zone 'very provocative act'

Friday, February 7, 2014

The Sabbath Song


Shabbat Shalom


IRS to Issue Rules to Silence Conservative Groups

Powerful New Surveillance Technology Can Track Anyone, Anywhere

CDC: Cruise Ship Bug Was New Norovirus

Only 113,000 Jobs — How Decadence Breeds Decay!

Moscow Accuses US of Fomenting Ukraine Coup (and...drum roll please...Moscow is right)

Food Prices Set to Soar Due to California Drought

Democrats Hope Marijuana Votes Will Boost Candidates

Boehner Back Peddles On Immigration Reform: Surprise, Surprise (republicans and democrats are all the same)

Top Radiation Expert: ‘Extremely dangerous’ situation in Japan — 14,000 km² of land contaminated by Fukushima — Mayor: Country will be dealing with this for generations to come — Officials thought hot spots would diminish with distance from plant… Why didn’t they?

Record-high 10 Million Bq/liter of strontium-90 & beta emitters finally revealed in Fukushima plant groundwater — 1,000% more than Tepco has claimed for last 6 months

Russia in talks to help Iran build new nuclear reactor

DARPA Boffin: Future Government Surveillance Will Be Like Apple’s Siri

Steve Watson February 7, 2014 The US Military’s Defense Advanced Projects Research Agency (DARPA), has indicated that future government surveillance programs will operate much like Siri does on today’s iPhones, in that NSA spooks will interact with algorithms that become smarter as they know what to expect. Defense One reports that Dan Kaufman, director of the Information Innovation Office at DARPA made the comments during a live webcast interview this week. “Imagine someone stationed at an intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance facility looking for visual data of interest.” Kaufman said. “Today this looks like one person in...

Mayor: Nationwide Gun Confiscation Is Goal of Mayors Against Illegal Guns (bloomberg is another tyrant)

Kit Daniels February 7, 2014 A current New York mayor has publicly announced his decision to leave Mayors Against Illegal Guns because the gun control group demands an all-out “confiscation of guns from law-abiding citizens.” Former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg co-founded Mayors Against Illegal Guns in 2006 to promote gun control. In an announcement published by his city’s newspaper, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. Mayor John C. Tkazyik said he quit the group after realizing it was simply a vehicle for Michael Bloomberg to “promote his personal gun-control agenda.” “It did not take long to realize that MAIG’s agenda was much more than ridding felons of illegal guns,” he stated. “Under the guise of helping mayors facing a crime and drug epidemic, MAIG intended to promote confiscation...

Kentucky Police Set Up ‘Eating While Driving’ Checkpoints

Paul Joseph Watson February 7, 2014 Instead of searching for actual criminals, Kentucky State Police will be on the lookout for people who eat while they drive as part of Operation RAID, which will include checkpoints targeting “distracted drivers,” despite the fact that eating while driving is not banned in Kentucky. Operation R.A.I.D. (Remove Aggressive, Impaired and Distracted drivers from Kentucky Roadways), which starts this month, will remain active for one year. “Law enforcement will be more visible and the number of check points will increase,” reports WBKO. “Not only just texting, but any distracting drivers. This includes eating and drinking. We are going to be out looking for those people. You’re going to see a major force when it comes time for St. Patrick’s...

Homeowner says SWAT came in her home without permission (still think you have privacy)

Thursday, February 6, 2014

US Diplomat: Growing Concern with China's Behavior at Sea

McConnell, Boehner to IRS: End 'Intimidation and Harassment' of Tea Party Groups

In 19 Minutes, A Team Of Snipers Destroyed 17 Transformers At A Power Station In California

Cop Handcuffs Firefighter For Trying to Protect Crash Victims

San Diego, California News Station - KFMB Channel 8 -   ...

A Grad missile volley aimed at Ashkelon from Gaza

Southern States Dominate Top 10 Most Religious States, New England the Least Pious (proud to be a Southerner)

High cost of Common Core has states rethinking the national education standards (get rid of common core and get back to real education)

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

28 Signs That The Middle Class Is Heading Toward Extinction

North Star Polaris Brightens, After Dimming For Two Decades

Dick Morris: nobama's Policies Create 'Nation of Dependents'

Rand Paul: nobama is Turning Nation Into 'Socialist Nightmare' (agree)

Attack on Calif. Power Station Raises Fear of Domestic Terrorism

The War on the Tea Party

Stalker’s Dream: Google Glass and Facial Recognition for the Common Man (do you still think you have any privacy)

Kurt Nimmo February 5, 2014 It is an app called NameTag and is billed as the “first real-time facial recognition app for Google Glass.” According to the NameTag web page, the app “will allow users of Google Glass to capture images from their live video and scan them against photos from social media and dating sites, including more than 450,000 registered sex offenders.” The company that developed the app,, is busy at work creating the technology that will “allow the scanning of profile photos from dating sites such as, and The technology will allow users to scan photos against the more than 450,000 entries in the National Sex Offender Registry and other criminal databases.” The app, now in beta, will be released this quarter....

TSA Blasted For Dishonest Response to Whistleblower’s Exposé (tsa are corrupt criminals running loose)

Paul Joseph Watson February 5, 2014 The TSA’s glib response to a former employee’s damning exposé of the federal agency has been blasted as an exercise in propaganda by a deluge of respondents who flooded the official TSA blog to pour scorn on the agency’s claim that ex-screener Jason Harrington’s article was a mischaracterization. Image: TSA (YouTube). Last week, Harrington wrote a piece for Politico Magazine in which he lifted the lid on the endemic corruption that pervades the TSA, revealing how TSA screeners laughed at naked images of passengers, deliberately targeted attractive women, operated dangerous full body scanners while being fully aware of the fact that they didn’t work, punished travelers who didn’t display the right attitude, and a whole host more. The...

MSM Collapsing: NY Times Now “Irrelevant,” According to its Own Writers (never trust the main stream media)

Paul Joseph Watson February 5, 2014 In another example of how the mainstream media is in a state of collapse, the New York Times’s own writers told a newspaper that NY Times opinion pieces are now seen as “irrelevant” and have no impact on public discourse whatsoever. This is a stunning turnaround from as little as five years ago, when a New York Times opinion piece was viewed with respect and held a certain level of gravitas. The New York Observer interviewed more than two dozen current and former NY Times writers, virtually all of whom were unanimous in acknowledging that the Old Gray Lady is becoming increasingly insignificant. “I think the editorials are viewed by most reporters as largely irrelevant, and there’s not a lot of respect for the editorial page,” one source...

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

New Cover Oregon allegations: 'If it's true, someone's going to prison'

US Opens Taps, a Bit, on Oil Exports to Europe

RadioShack to Close About 500 Stores, WSJ Reports

Food Stamps Slashed as Congress Approves Farm Bill

Cleta Mitchell: Proposed IRS Rules Seek to Silence Dissent

Ayotte: Why Was $29M Army Recruiting Fraud Not Spotted Earlier?

Dinesh D'Souza: The Founders Would Be Terrified of Govt Today

Dead Dolphins Litter Peru's Beaches, But Cause Still a Mystery

Daren Streblow: From the Womb to the Room


The Stock Market In Japan Is COLLAPSING

Justice Antonin Scalia says World War II-style internment camps could happen again

Ann Coulter: My Friend's Sister Died Because of nobamacare


Senators to Vote on Farm Law That Keeps Their Benefits Secret

Spanish Suicides Rise To Eight-Year High

Cops SWAT Innocent Family, Destroy Home Security Cameras To Cover Up Evidence This is what a militarized police state looks like

Armed militarized police in Iowa smashed their way into the home of an innocent family last week and discovered that they were being filmed on home security cameras. The response paints a vivid picture, as one officer ripped a camera from the wall, while another covered up a second camera to prevent the raid being documented. WHO tv in Des Moines reports that Ankeny police carried out the raid in search of “someone they suspected of using stolen credit cards to buy clothes and electronics.” The cameras, stationed around the property on the inside and outside, captured the moment that up to a dozen armed police dressed in helmets, ski-masks and riot gear marched up to the home of Sally Prince and prepared to smash her door in over what turned out to be nothing more than unfounded...

Suicide Rates Will Skyrocket Due to Obamacare

Kit Daniels February 4, 2014 Suicide rates in the U.S. will increase dramatically as 2.5 million Americans lose their jobs in the next 10 years due to Obamacare, following the current rise of suicides in Spain where over 4.8 million are unemployed. Obamacare will cause America to follow Spain’s lead in unemployment and the correlated suicide rates. Today the Congressional Budget Office admitted that Obamacare will lead to 2.5 million fewer workers by 2024 and last Friday, Spain’s National Institute of Statistics revealed that Spain’s suicide rate is the highest in eight years as Spaniards struggle with over 26% unemployment. Suicide emerged as the leading cause of death amongst young men in Spain as the country’s youth unemployment hit a staggering 57.7% in the past quarter. Suicides...

UK Cop Caught Framing Citizen Journalist On Camera

Mikael Thalen February 04, 2014 A citizen journalist was assaulted and set up by a UK police officer late last week while covering a fracking protest in Barton Moss, England. Revealed by a YouTube video, the unknown officer can first be seen assaulting and knocking over the journalist as he attempts to film an arrest by police. Continuing to be shoved away from the scene, the journalist is suddenly accused of drinking, a clear attempt by the officer to intimidate and coerce the man into leaving. “Are you drunk? Have you been drinking this morning,” the officer begins repeating. Incredibly, as other police approach the altercation, the officer begins blatantly accusing the journalist of admitting to drinking. Despite the video clearly exonerating the journalist, the officer continues...

Report: Fukushima nuclear waste will merge with radiation from U.S. reactors when washing up on West Coast — “Startling amounts” released from operating plants — Diablo Canyon officials admit to recently discharging more tritium than Fukushima (VIDEO)

Kyodo: Dumping Fukushima radioactive water is gov’ts only solution — Risk of “damaging effects” from toxic discharges — Even if fully implemented, around 300 tons of contaminated groundwater will still flow into Pacific every day (VIDEO

Monday, February 3, 2014

Russia, US Face New Strains Over Missile Defense

Gen. Boykin to Congress: Religious Liberty Must Be Affirmed, Cherished in Military

nobamaCare Appeals Process: Yet Another Failure (this corrupt act was set to decieve people)

Euroskepticism Growing, Threatening European Union

Due To Extreme Drought, The Number Of Cattle In The U.S. Is The Smallest It Has Been Since 1951

You Can Buy A House For One Dollar Or Less In Economically Depressed Cities All Over America

The Dow Has Already Fallen More Than 1000 Points From The Peak Of The Market (warning)

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