I am a Torah Observant Messianic Jew. I am not a Christian Jew, as some believe. Messianic Judaism is my doctrine. I do not celebrate pagan days such as easter, christmas, halloween, valentines, as Christian's do. I honor the Feast Days YAHWEH commanded us to observe in Leviticus Ch 23. I am obedient to Torah and I am saved by Grace. I believe in MESSIAH YESHUA as my LORD and PERSONAL SAVIOR and HE alone is my heart, for only through HIM am I reconciled to YAHWEH'S HOLY HEART and separate from this world.
I am not bashing the Christians by no means--I am just not a participant in their doctrine, for some of their doctrines violate Torah.And just as the Pharisees violated Torah by adding their own laws, many Christian denominations do the same by creating their own laws which are not Biblical.
I am Jewish. Judaism is my doctrine. YESHUA MESSIAH was a Jew and HE practiced Judaism--HE was a Torah Observant Jew, not a Christian.
The New Covenant is the Torah written in our minds and on our hearts. I become very tried of hearing Christians say they are under the New Covenant and no longer under the law. This proves they have no true understanding of the New Covenant (Jeremiah Ch 31 and Hebrew Ch 8 will teach you about the New Covenant created through MESSIAH YESHUA'S HOLY AND PRECIOUS BLOOD). You will notice the New Covenant does not apply to gentiles--this is why the gentiles are grafted in through Israel and become part of Israel through MESSIAH YESHUA'S HOLY AND PRECIOUS BLOOD (Ephesians Ch 2 and Romans Ch 11). The Book of Galatians does do state the Torah is done away with. The Book of Galatians is severely misinterpreted. Just as the Christians today violate grace and create a false grace, the Pharisees violated Torah and create their own Torah--YESHUA returned and taught the pure and whole Torah, and this anger the Pharisees because HE ALONE showed them their error which they did not want to accept. The false Torah was done away with--the Torah which man interfered with. The Pure Torah which YESHUA Taught was established and written in our minds and on our hearts through HIS PRECIOUS AND HOLY BLOOD--not the way man taught, but as HE taught. Of course we're no longer under the law because the law is now written within our minds and hearts.
You can't understand the Book of Galatians without understanding the Tanakh and the B'rit Hadasha as a whole. Simply quoting a few verses on Sunday does not disprove the law. Dissecting scriptures to fit an agenda is harmful and full of error which leads to false doctrine.
I love my Christian brothers and sisters, but I am not a Christian Jew. I am a Messianic, Torah Observant Jew.
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