Saturday, June 20, 2015

Franklin Graham: 'GODLESS' Hollywood Causing Gun Violence (agree)

Law abiding citizens have every right to bear arms and defends themselves. Everyday the corrupt government allows thousands of dangerous illegal immigrants into the country--some armed and extremely dangerous. Criminals will always find a way to have a fire arm regardless of how many corrupt gun control laws are passed against honest citizens. It is our duty as honest citizens to protect our second amendment and to protect our families against all harm.

Why doesn't the government check every illegal crossing illegally into the country for fire arms, go after violent criminals, disarm gangs, arrest dangerous drug cartels instead of pushing gun control laws on innocent law abiding citizens? The answer is very simple: In order to control a country first you have to disarm its people.

Gun control is about controlling the people in order to make them surrender all of their natural rights. 

If we want a decrease in crime make it mandatory that all people must carry a firearm--and then see how the coward criminals react. I guarantee you they won't dare attack a place that has well armed customers compared to a place that has postings stating the establishment is a gun free zone.


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