Monday, December 30, 2024

Is it Time for the Rapture? In my humble opinion: Yes

 Is it Time for the Rapture?In my humble opinion: Yes

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Why I Obey, Observe and Keep The Torah/Law My Testimony

 Why I Obey, Observe and Keep The Torah/LawMy Testimony

Friday, December 20, 2024

Speculation Erupts as Biden and Harris Both Abruptly Cancel Their Plans and Rush Back to White House (need to pay close attention this this)

 Speculation Erupts as Biden and Harris Both Abruptly Cancel Their Plans and Rush Back to White House

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Torah Study

 Today we’re going to look deeply at Abraham.The Scriptures teach:Romans Ch 4:3 3 For what does the Tanakh say? "Avraham put his trust in God, and it was credited to his account as righteousness."Abraham put his trust in G-D and it was credited to his account as Righteousness. So we see that, first, Abraham trusted (had faith). Now many time you may see someone quote this verse as justification not to obey the Law/Torah. They will claim trust (faith) is all you need. I don’t disagree that your trust in G-D is your foundation. Without trust there is nothing.Hebrews Ch 11:6 And without trusting, it is impossible to be well pleasing to God, because whoever approaches him must trust that he does exist and that he becomes a Rewarder to those who seek him out.So we clearly see Scriptures...

Torah Study

 Why we must read the Book of Acts before we read any of Paul’s writings. Countless gentile Christians use Paul’s writings—specifically his writings in the Book of Galatians—to claim Christians do not have to obey and keep the Torah/Law. But yet we find in Paul’s writings contradictions to that claim.For instance:Romans Ch 3: 31 Does it follow that we abolish Torah by this trusting? Heaven forbid! On the contrary, we confirm Torah.Here Paul is clearly teaching to confirm Torah/Law. So did Paul tell the Galatians one thing and the Romans another? No. Of course not. Paul words were guided by the HOLY SPIRIT. This is why Peter wrote:2 Peter Ch 3: 15 And think of our Lord's patience as deliverance, just as our dear brother Sha'ul also wrote you, following the wisdom God gave him.We...

Torah Study

 YESHUA/JESUS taught the Law/Torah and commanded others to do so.Matthew Ch 8:2 Then a man afflicted with tzara`at came, kneeled down in front of him and said, "Sir, if you are willing, you can make me clean."3 Yeshua reached out his hand, touched him and said, "I am willing! Be cleansed!" And at once he was cleansed from his tzara`at.4 Then Yeshua said to him, "See that you tell no one; but as a testimony to the people, go and let the cohen examine you, and offer the sacrifice that Moshe commanded."What part of the Torah/Law was YESHUA/JESUS teaching from? Leviticus Ch 14:1 ADONAI said to Moshe,2 "This is to be the law concerning the person afflicted with tzara'at on the day of his purification. He is to be brought to the cohen,3 and the cohen is to go outside the camp and examine...

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Torah Study

 Psalms Ch 119: 89 (Lamed) Your word continues forever, ADONAI, firmly fixed in heaven;What ‘Word’ is King David speaking of? The words of the Prophets had yet to be spoken—they came after King David. King David himself is speaking about the ‘Word’ of G-D in his Psalms. So what was the only ‘Word of G-D’ King David read, studied, loved, obeyed and followed? The answer: The writings of Moshe—The Law/Torah. Isaiah speaks the same:Isaiah Ch 40:Isaiah Ch 40:8 “The grass dries up, the flower fades; but the word of our God will stand forever.”Now, let’s conduct a quick investigation.I see people post verses from the Book of Psalms all the time. What I don’t see Christians posting from the Book are verse about the Law/TorahPsalms Ch 1:2 Their delight is in ADONAI's Torah; on his Torah...

Torah Study

 Do you know in the New Yerushalayim (Jerusalem) there won’t be a 13th gate for gentiles?Revelation Ch 21: 12 It had a great, high wall with twelve gates; at the gates were twelve angels; and inscribed on the gates were the names of the twelve tribes of Isra'el.Do you know that the 12 Tribes make up the Nation of Israel and Israel obeys the Torah/Laws of G-D? So the ‘Law Keepers’ have gates and those who claim you don’t have to keep the law do not have a gate. The New Yerushalayim is eternal by the way—G-D’s completion. Think heavily on that. Where is the 13th gate for the gentile Christians? There isn’t one. Why? Because the gentiles are grafted in through the Jews.Let’s look at Ephesians Ch 2:19 So then, you are no longer foreigners and strangers. On the contrary, you are...

Torah Study

 Matthew Ch 4:17 From that time on, Yeshua began proclaiming, "Turn from your sins to God, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near!"What is sin? 1 John Ch 3:4 4 Everyone who keeps sinning is violating Torah - indeed, sin is violation of Torah.YESHUA/JESUS was proclaiming that people turn from violating G-D’s Torah/Law and turn to G-D. 1 Timothy Ch 1:15 So here is a statement you can trust, one that fully deserves to be accepted: the Messiah came into the world to save sinners, and I'm the number one sinner!YESHUA/JESUS came into the world to save sinners—those who violate G-D’s Torah/Law. YESHUA/JESUS tells the sinner to do what? Turn from your sins to G-D for the Kingdom of Heaven is near! Now let’s investigate those who say you only have to keep the 10 Commandments. The 4th Commandment:Exodus...

Monday, December 16, 2024

The 8th King/Beast: Donald Trump The Facts

 The 8th King/Beast: Donald TrumpThe Facts

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Discernment The Bible Is The Only Truth

 Discernment The Bible Is The Only Truth

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Fig Tree Generation

 Fig Tree GenerationMatthew Ch 24: 32 "Now let the fig tree teach you its lesson: when its branches begin to sprout and leaves appear, you know that summer is approaching.

Saturday, December 7, 2024

The Mark of the Beast Why it condemns your very soul

 The Mark of the BeastWhy it condemns your very soul

Thursday, December 5, 2024

"Rapture Night" A Short Story

 "Rapture Night"A Short Story

Monday, December 2, 2024

Is The Rapture Before January 20th 2025 Let's Investigate

 Is The Rapture Before January 20th 2025Let's Investigate

Sunday, December 1, 2024

The Jews Will Always Remain G-D's Chosen People

 The Jews Will Always Remain G-D's Chosen People   The Jews are and will always remain G-D’s Chosen people. No amount of castrated replacement theology will change that fact. Those who disagree can complain and argue until your blue in the face but you will never—and I mean never—change the Truth: The Jews are and will always remain G-D’s Chosen people. Gentiles are grafted in through the Jews. John Ch 4: You people don't know what you are worshiping; we worship what we do know, because salvation comes from the Jews.How can people say the Jews are no longer G-D’s Chosen people when the words of Salvation taught around the world came from the Jews? YESHUA is returning to save HIS people the Jews. Where is YESHUA’’s Precious feet going to stand when HE returns?Zechariah ...

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