June 5, 2012 – EDINBURGH, UK – Six people are in hospital and a further four are receiving medical attention after an outbreak of Legionnaires’ disease in Edinburgh. NHS Lothian is investigating four confirmed and four suspected cases of the Legionella bacteria in the Gorgie, Dalry, and Saughton areas of the capital. Six men are being treated in hospitals throughout Lothian. Five of the men are in intensive care units while the sixth is in a high dependency unit. A further four cases, as yet unconfirmed, are also being probed. All ten cases are linked geographically to the Dalry, Gorgie and Saughton areas of Edinburgh. The source of the outbreak is being investigated by officials from Edinburgh Council’s Environmental Health Department and the Health and Safety Executive who are concentrating on the south-west Edinburgh area. Steps are being taken to treat cooling towers in the area as a precaution until the source is located. Dona Milne, acting director of Public Health and Health Policy for NHS Lothian, said: “We have four confirmed cases of Legionnaires’ disease which all seem to come from the same point source in the South West of Edinburgh. “Anybody who develops symptoms of Legionnaires’ disease should contact NHS 24 immediately or go to their GP. “The safety of the public is our number one priority and we would urge people to look out for the symptoms of this disease.” Duncan McCormick, consultant in public health for NHS Lothian said: “Investigations into the possible source of this outbreak are on-going and we continue to urge anyone who develops symptoms of Legionnaires disease to contact NHS 24 or go to their GP.” Public health officials have tested 16 cooling towers on four sites in the Gorgie, Dalry, Saughton areas, after discovering the cases can all be traced to one geographical area. All ten people – eight men and two women – are believed to live or work in south-west Edinburgh. –Local STV.tv
My name is Paul. I am a Messianic Jew. My love for YAHWEH the TRUE GOD of Israel and to GLORIFY HIM through YESHUA/JESUS CHRIST our ETERNAL RISEN LORD is my only purpose in life. I run this blog to associate news with Bible prophecy with the hope that people will see and understand who do not already. Without YESHUA/JESUS CHRIST my ETERNAL RISEN LORD, I would be dead. I give YAHWEH all GLORY through YESHUA/JESUS CHRIST our PRECIOUS ETERNAL RISEN LORD for sending HIS HOLY SON to save my life and have mercy on me and show me HIS TRUTH!
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