June 12, 2012– IRELAND – Bizarre Irish weather for June has resulted in an ice storm in Donegal and pounding rain and flooding throughout the country. The ice storm left several inches of ice near the village of Termon in Donegal the Irish Independent reported on June 8. Local photojournalist Frank McGettigan stated he had never seen anything like it, “No one around here has ever seen anything like this in June before. It was really odd.” A Met Eireann forecaster Joan Blackburn explained the phenomenon “all rain starts as a frozen product,” she said. “A downdraft would push the hail down quicker than it can melt, and this is not unheard of. Also, it’s not particularly mild, and because the shower is so intense, the hail doesn’t have time to melt and fall as rain.” Forecasters warned there is no let up in sight for the Irish with heavy rain and flooding predicted nationwide making last week’s heat-wave a fond memory. The weekend will be unsettled, with some dry spells. “It has been wet — and it’s going to be wet,” Ms. Blackburn said. However she said conditions will improve “Dry weather will start to make its way up the country, but it will be windy and wet for a lot of places. “There is going to be strong and very gusty northwesterly winds, with gales of up to Force 9. The rainfall isn’t quite as bad, but it will still be wet, and Ulster will be the last to dry out.” –Irish Central
My name is Paul. I am a Messianic Jew. My love for YAHWEH the TRUE GOD of Israel and to GLORIFY HIM through YESHUA/JESUS CHRIST our ETERNAL RISEN LORD is my only purpose in life. I run this blog to associate news with Bible prophecy with the hope that people will see and understand who do not already. Without YESHUA/JESUS CHRIST my ETERNAL RISEN LORD, I would be dead. I give YAHWEH all GLORY through YESHUA/JESUS CHRIST our PRECIOUS ETERNAL RISEN LORD for sending HIS HOLY SON to save my life and have mercy on me and show me HIS TRUTH!
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